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'Have fun' Julian teased, wiggling his brows as he helped Sean get ready for tonight.

'Stop it, Jules. It's just a date' Sean groaned, fluffing his hair and letting it dangle before his eyes.

'So? You haven't been on one for like years' Julian added, shaking his head as he sat down on Sean's bed. He scanned his eyes around the room, a sigh leaving his lips.  'Feels weird seeing your room so...bare'.

'Yeah, I feel you. I wake up and I see nothing' he laughed, sitting down beside Julian.

'Did you find a house yet?'

'No, not yet. They're just all too filled with stuff, you know. I just want some space' Sean explained, gesturing with his hands.

'You could just stay with me and Chlo'

'I'd rather not' Sean joked, a suggestive smile playing on his lips which earned a few punches to his shoulder.

'Lewser...anyways, you should get going, wouldn't want to keep your girl waiting' Julian babbled, dragging him out of his own room and pushing him out the door.

'Okay, okay. Thanks again' Sean waved, sitting himself inside his car and backing out of the driveway.

He began his journey to the said girls house but something was bugging him emotionally and so he parked his car to the side of the road, unbuckling himself as he stepped out for some fresh air.

'What is going on?' He groaned to himself, pulling at his freshly combed hair. 'It's just a date' he reminded himself. He took in a few ragged breaths, rubbing his temples before once more starting his drive to Julie's house.

'Just a date' he told himself, as he parked in her driveway and stood out. 'Just a date'. He rang the doorbell once, the flickering of a light alarming him as he took a step backwards.

'Sean' the girl squealed, opening the front door and immediately wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing a kiss to his cheek. 'How are you?'

'I'm good, and you?' He replied nervously, pulling her arms away from him. She twiddled on her toes, flushing beet red as she replied with a hint of excitement and giddiness in her voice.

'Super good. I can't wait' she skipped by Sean, letting herself in his car, as she took the passenger seat.

'Ready to go?' Sean questioned, eyes on the front of her house as he buckled in beside her.

She hummed in response, nonchalantly laying a hand on his knee. The move caught him off guard to say the least. A small squeak left his mouth, and he involuntarily bounced his knees up to remove her hand. 

'Oh-sorry I-uh' Sean stammered, glancing over at the girl who was smiling nervously.

'I-it's fine' she brushed it off, occupying her fingers with the strap of her handbag. Sean laughed awkwardly, mentally slapping his forehead as he drove them to their destination. The drive was practically silent until Sean started a convertsaion since his brain was only putting negative thoughts in, without the chatter of people.

'Ooh, a restaurant' Julie smiled, jumping out of the car and admiring the fancy-essence of it. 

'Jules picked it' he scratched the back of his neck. Before he knew it, the ginger girl had dragged him inside, her hand wrapped loosely around Sean's wrist.

'Welcome!' The person at the front desk greeted. 'A table for two, I'm presuming?'. Julie nodded her head. 'Have a lovely date!' The woman said, gesturing to a seat beside the window.

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