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'I'm Sean'.

 Kaycee was at a loss for words to say anything, instead giving his hand a little squeeze. Sean's confidence level had risen up when she hadn't pulled back, and when she giggled softly, so he continued, trying to think back to what he had practiced in the drive to her house.

'I don't really know how to express my feelings to you, because I wasn't myself the first time I set eyes on you. I've never felt so attracted to someone. But with you, everything has changed. Kayc, you have no idea how much fun I've had spending the past few weeks with you. Honestly, as annoying as you are, I wouldn't want it any other way. Your smile, and heart is just so big and pure and I love you so much for that' he took a pause, collecting his emotions in place before starting again.

 'I don't really know how to start, because I'm afraid it might be the end of our good relationship or, if I'm lucky, it could be the realization of my dreams, which is for you to love me as I love you. I might as well take the risk because it's the only thing I know of that could let loose this feeling I've been keeping inside me all this time. I love you. I know you'll find it hard to believe me if I tell you how much you mean to me. I hardly understand what I feel for you, and don't know how these long, sleepless nights, thinking only of you can go on. I've never felt like this before. I don't know how to pour out my feelings for you now. I wanted to find the perfect words to make you realize how much I need you and love you, but words continue to elude me. Every time I look at you, the words come out the same--I love you!' He breathed out, foreheads still connected.

Now, this was the part that Sean got slightly nervous. Kaycee's smile had turned slightly lopsided and she hadn't said anything in response.

'Kayc?' He tilted her chin up, brushing his thumb delicately over her lips. 'Kayc?'

Her eyes were pressed shut, legs wobbly and she swore that she saw angels circling her head. 'Hi' she finally spoke up, opening one eye to be met by Sean's widening dimpled smile.

'Hey'. He brought her hands up, squeezing them before letting them go and moving his hands to her face where he cupped her cheeks gently. 

'I love you' he whispered, almost too quiet. He let his fingers linger against her skin, waiting for some saying of approval or consent. But it never came, but he didn't care. He'd wait for her. No matter how long that'd take.

He had waited moments in silence, her eyes just boring into his as he fought the urge to just peck a kiss onto her lips. Kaycee was still dumbfounded, she could hardly process what was happening. The last time she had felt in love was well 16 years ago. And now-here she was again,    dumbfounded and lovetsruck that she couldn't say anything.

Kaycee didn't speak further, or do anything for that matter. Sean smiled understandingly, bringing his lips down and pressing a tender kiss to her forehead.

'I'll let you think about it' he murmured, rocking on his feet and pressing one last kiss to the tip of her nose. 'Bye Kayc'. And with that his nervous night came to an end, well not of course without him half jumping in the air with excitement.

'Bye Sean' she managed to raise her hand and give him a small wave.

 As soon as he was out of earshot and sight, Kaycee brought her fingers up to her nose, smiling to herself at the feeling of his lips on her skin.

'Gosh-I'm whipped' Kaycee giggled to herself, slowly felling herself come back to reality as she heard footesps leading to the kitchen. Without a second thought, Kaycee tried to act normal. And if you've watched those typical movies, you would know what 'act normal' meant. It means standing in a weird pose with fruits balancing on your head or doing squats. The most far from normal thing ever. But with panic rising in her, Kaycee took the teacup on the counter and brought it to her cheeks, the heat passinf through.

'Well, hello missy' Bailey laughed, staring at her pose as Kayden pushed forward and into Kaycee's arms.

'Did you say yes? You said yes, right?' Kayden questioned, his arms wrapped around her neck. She rose her brows. How does he know? But she let it pass.

'I guess kind of' Kaycee admitted bashfully, placing Kayden back onto the floor as she tried to hide her flushed cheeks.

'What does that mean?' Bailey asked softly, internally squealing happily for her best friend.

'I didn't really say anything-but I think he gets what I mean...hopefully' Kayceee rambled, before dragging a hand down her face. 'Gosh'.

'Go get some sleep. You're probably craving to get dreaming about a certain somebody' Bailey joked, giving Kaycees shoulder a light punch. 'But in all seriousness, I'm really happy for you. You deserve to be loved'.

Kaycee smiled brightly at Bailey, biting the inside of her lip before saying a quick 'good night' and running upstairs to her room.

'Does that mean Sean's my dad?' Kayden asked Bailey sheepishly.

'If your mom says yes, then I guess he is' Bailey answered, ruffling the top of his head. Kayden smiled up at Bailey, before running into his room.

Bailey didn't even need to enter the mother and sons room to know what they were doing. By the squeals and squeaks echoing from Kaydens room, she could tell that he probably jumping up and down on his bed. And by the constant footsteps being heard from Kaycee's room, Bailey knew that she was probably doing her happy dance.

With that, Bailey helped herself to Kaycee wine cabinet. Pouring herself a drink. 'For seaycee' she giggled.




QOTD: VANILLA OR CHOCOLATE? Chocolate all the way for me.





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