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Four days later.

The inky darkness engulfed the frail light, diminishing all happiness and bliss that had risen with the sun. Now only silence lingered in the air. Sean shivered on the doorstep and contemplated whether to knock or not, but a small sigh of anxiety leaps out of his mouth. Tersely, his eyes flicker to the building that just minutes ago had been a hum of excitement and exhilaration, but now seemed to wither with age.

'You got this' Sean reassured himself, pressing the doorbell to the Rice house. It had been four days since their last meeting, four days for Sean to get his feelings together before they randomly burst out. Four days since he texted, called or made any sort of contact with Kaycee. He wouldn't be surprised if she gave him the silent treatment or cold stares, after all it probably looked like he was ignoring her from her point of view. 

After their day at the restaurant, his mind had been fully occupied on Kaycee and the teases he had to deal with upon arriving back at Julian's house only made him feel more attached to the brunette. He had spend that day and the next few ones, thinking about Kaycee and he couldn't bear meeting her. So he stayed away until he got his feelings in order. 

And now, here he was four days later, standing on the Rice house porch as he waited for someone to open the door.

'Come in' Bailey smiled, stepping to the side to let Sean in. She observed his demeanor. Shy. Nervous. His hands were intertwined with each other tightly, feet kicking something invisible in the air, eyes darted to the floor, looking at something that seemed far too interesting, and cheeks stained red. 

Bailey smirked knowingly, patting Sean's back. 'She's in the kitchen'.

'Uh-I'm not ready' he admitted, trying to push down the butterflies flying frantically in his stomach. 

'Not gonna lie, I seriously thought of coming over to Chloe's house and giving you a little punch for ignoring Kaycee, but I think I can forgive you' she winked, giving him a gentle shove into the living room.

'I'm just going to talk to Kayden first. Is he home?' Sean mustered up all his courage and asked.

'Yeah, in his room' Bailey sighed, pointing in the direction of where light was seeping through the door cracks.

'Cool-thank you? Um-don't tell Kaycee I'm here yet' he muttered, pulling his button up t-shirt down further to seem more polite. He wasn't wearing an overly fancy outfit but on him it looked elegant. He usually stuck to his everyday sweats and jumper but he decided against just for this night. On anyone else it would have been an average outfit but on him it looked as good as to rival a suit.

'Yeah, yeah' Bailey waved him off, walking a different way. Sean blew out a heavy breath, pocketing his shaky hands into his jean pockets as he knocked on Kaydens door before entering.

'Hi, bud' he smiled cheesily, trying to hide any sign of nervousness.

'Hey?' Kayden lifted his head up. He was sitting at his desk, stacks of papers roaming everywhere with a folder prioritizing his space. 'Moms in the kitchen, I think'

'Yeah, I know, I just wanted to talk to you first' he gulped. Never had Kayden seen an adult let alone Sean-what he presumed was-nervous.


'Your mom' Sean blurted out.

'Oh' Kayden was all ears now. He spun on his wheely chair, pushing himself to reach his bed before sitting there beside Sean. He had a cheeky smile plastered on his face as well as a glimmer in his eyes. Calm down, Kayden.

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