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'I can't believe this...they're so cute together' was the first thing Kaycee heard that morning . She heard more mumbling and snickering before she felt an arm cross over her waist.

'Bails' she hummed to herself, tightening her grip on who she presumed was her best friend Bailey.

'Did you get the photos?' She heard a more masculine voice ask. More laughter followed before she decided she better see what was happening.  Groggily, she lifted her head up, her head threatening to fall back to sleep as she rubbed her eyes. 

'Hey sis' Bailey chirped. Painc flashed in Kaycee's eyes when she noticed that Bailey was standing opposite her nowhere near to have been hugging her minutes prior.

She vigorously rubbed her eyes, stretching out her limbs as her eyes focused on the sight in front of her. Right there, mere centimeters away from her was Sean Lew peacefully sleeping. One of his arms was holding onto her stomach and the other had fallen limply by his side.

'Shit' Kaycee cursed, as she pushed his arms away and tried to stand up.

'Please' she heard him whine as he wrapped both arms around her and pulled her back down into his chest. Kaycee could hear Bailey and Kayden laugh and she could already imagine the embarssmanet she was going to have to face.

'Uh-I-um... S-Sean?' Kaycee tapped his chest, trying not to fall in too deep as her head laid on his chest.'Sean?'

'Please' he whispered again, as he held her head down and threaded his fingers through her luscious brown hair. Kaycee peeked one eye open, tilting her head when she caught sight of both Bailey and Kayden trying to stifle their laughs as they rolled around laughing while holding their stomachs

'Sean' she called out one last time, as she pulled away from his arms and frantically sat on the other end of the couch. I need help, she though to herself. And just like that her wish came true, when Kayden jumped onto Sean's sleeping body and tickled him awake.

'What the fuc-heck?' He laughed, correcting himself from staying away from cursed language around the teenager.

'Sean' Kayden exclaimed, clad in his school uniform as he threw his head back in laughter.

'Morning bud' he said confused, as he sat up straighter with the boy sitting on his lap.

'You feel asleep here' Kayden informed him, a megawatt smile playing on his lips as his eyes shone with the utmost happiness.

'Oh, god, sorry' Sean apologized as he tried to shake himself out of his sleep. His eyes finally perked open and he trailed his eyes around the room. First it landed on Kayden with his beaming smile, then Bailey who had a smirk on her face and lastly on Kaycee who was fiddling with her fingers. Her head was bent down low but Sean could tell that she was blushing, with the way she hid her face behind her hair.

'The two of you fell asleep' Bailey started, leaning back on her hands. 'Together'.

Sean felt like someone had suddenly turned on an internal heater inside his system, and his soft skin slowly turned from it's normal shade to the colour to rival a ripe strawberry. The warmth had now bloomed into a full blown. Sean wished to 'do a Daphne' and drop through a scooby-doo style trap door in the floor. But there was no rescue from this embarrassment. 

'I-uh... we must have fallen asleep. Uh-sorry?' He shrugged his shoulders, internally groaning when he noticed Bailey eye-teasing him.

'We've got pictures. Want to see the pictures?' Kayden piped up, jumping up and down in excitement as he began to sit down beside Sean.

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