Chapter 2 - Class Trial 2

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Our podiums lowered once more after our scrum debate. We had just proved that the true cause of death was poison.

"Tch, looks like I was...wrong after all..." Reina admitted through her clenched teeth.

"Trust me, it's not that surprising. You're usually wrong anyway, " Kei replied.

"I swear if you insult me one more time you are going to regret it. Besides, you're still suspicious so just keep your mouth shut," She quickly and harshly responded.


"Just because that nerd hacked into your lock and got an alibi doesn't mean your innocent!" she reminded him.

"You really are dense, aren't you?"

"Since we've proved to cause of death was poison, I believe we should now discuss something else, " Hinami suggested.

"Good idea, but the question is what should we talk about now?" Ryuto asked.

"Well, if the poison was arsenic, then how about we find out where it came from " Mei suggested.

"Hm...That's a good idea, " I began to think about where the arsenic could've been from.

Well...That's pretty obvious.

That's the only place in this school that stores poison.

I just need some evidence or someone to help back me up on this...

- Select Truth Bullet! -
> - Arsenic Bottle <

- Select Someone! -
> Gin Kagakuro <

"This is it!"


"Hey, Gin..." I began, " Remember that bottle of arsenic we found in the kitchen?"

"Oh, yeah. Of course, I do,"

"Didn't you say you recognized where it was from?" I inquired.

"I said it was from my lab. I knew that as soon as I saw the bottle and either way, my Ultimate Lab the only place where you can get poison like that anyway, " He stated.

"Then, the only place the poison could've come from was Gin's lab, "I concluded.

"So doesn't that mean that the little blue-haired shortstack did it?" Reina commented.

"S-Shortstack?!? Do you even know what the means?" He exclaimed.

I'm pretty sure that means a short curvy girl 'impressive' proportions.

Judging by Gin's appearance, I don't think that insult works...

Mizuki perked up, "Ooo, shortstack...That's a good one! Not bad bitch, not bad at all,"

"Ha, I know right. I'm so smart and creative," They laughed.

Wow, those two sure to have something in common, even though they're not the best of friends.

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