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"I'm going to miss you so much" I said trying not to cry in front of Harry.

"Come on! I might not even make it past the first audition and even if I do, we'll still see eachother all the time. Nothing will change."
He said sounding like he was trying to convince himself more than me.

Harry and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember. When he first told me he wanted to audition for the X Factor I was really excited.

He is a really great singer after all. However now that he actually has to leave, I don't like the idea very much anymore. I know i'm being selfish because he could definitely make it as a big star but he's the best friend i've ever had.

I kind of always knew he'd want to move on to bigger things. Harry was born for the spotlight. He steals all the attention at the school talent show every year and every girls heart. Nobody even pays attention to the rest of his band White Eskimo. I can't imagine him doing anything else.

"You better come visit me even when you're rich & famous and have a supermodel girlfriend." I said laughing.

"Oh shut up. You know we'll always be friends" said Harry. He was smiling really big but his eyes looked so sad. It was as if his lips and eyes were fighting over which was right about the way he was feeling.

Something told me it was his eyes that were winning.

Then Harry hugged me. I knew everyone in the cafeteria was looking at us and would talk about it. All the kids at school never believed us when we said we were just friends. I've never even thought of Harry in that way and I doubt he has ever thought of me like that either.

"Are you sure you can't skip school and come to my audition?" he asked.

"No my mom won't let me, i'm sorry, I really wish I could be there"

The bell rang.

"We better hurry home, it looks like it's gonna rain" Harry said.

We practically ran to Harry's house. Last time we got caught in the rain it ruined all my school work. I can still remember what Harry said while laughing at me. "How did water even get in your backpack. It must be so thin."

"Hey luv, hurry on inside, it looks like rain" Anne, Harry's mum said as we walked up the driveway.

Anne has always been like a mother to me. I mean I also have my real mum but Anne still treats me like i'm her third child.

She kissed us both on the forehead as we went inside. Immediately as I entered the house I smelled chocolate chip cookies and tacos. Anne must've been making Harry's favourite foods since he was leaving tomorrow.

Harry and I walked down the hall to his room. As we walked past his sister Gemma's room I could hear her music blasting. She was listening to Just the way you are by Bruno Mars, of course. That's her favourite song right now. It's everyone's favourite song right now actually.

Harry began singing and humming along as we pass by her room.

Walking into Harry's bedroom I immediately feel safe. His house is like a alternate universe. Anne is so kind and cooks all kinds of meals, Gemma is like the big sister I never had and Harry is the kindest, funniest friend ever. I wish I lived here.

"Want a chocolate?" Harry asks me.

"Yes please" I say while grabbing a handful. That's another great thing about Harry, he always has sweets. Plus he's generous enough to share them.

We sit on his bed talking for about an hour. Harry never seems to get bored of listening to me talk. Which I love because most people ignore me. I feel like I could talk to Harry about anything. No matter what. If i'm sad or angry, he'll listen to me ramble on and on. He always seems interested too. Like he's not just agreeing so i'll stop talking. He asks me questions and let's me talk forever if I need to.

"Gemma, Harry, Angel come set the table please. Dinner's ready!" Anne called out to us. Harry and I meet Gemma in the hallway and walk to the dining room. "Hey Angel! How are you?" Gemma asked me. "I'm ok, how are you?" I answered. "I'm good. I'm hoping mom actually made cookies and my senses aren't just tricking me." she said. We all laughed.

After setting the table we sat down for dinner. I was right, Anne did make tacos. Harry has a huge grin on his face the whole meal. I guess cause tacos are his favourite.

We laughed and talked about old times throughout dinner. I think we were trying not to think about Harry leaving tomorrow. People usually only bring up older, better times when they're trying to distract themselves from the real world and how different things are now. We spent the meal taking turns saying "remember when..."

As we ate I couldn't help but think about the future. What if Harry did make it through and never talked to me again. After all I feel like I need him much more than he needs me.

Harry makes friends so easily. He doesn't even have to try. Once we went to the movies and in line at the concession stand he made new friends. People really like talking to him because he's charming and good at keeping conversations going.

I on the other hand am less talkative and a little shy. I wouldn't call myself antisocial but i'm definitely not charismatic like him. Being friendly just comes so naturally for Harry.

I don't have many friends other than Harry and that's why i'm so scared of losing him.

Once we finish eating our tacos Anne says "I have a surprise for you guys!" Gemma quickly responded saying "chocolate chip cookies?"

"There are cookies but that's not the surprise Gemma" Anne said. "What is it mum?" Harry asked. "T-shirts! For us to wear at your audition! Aren't they cute!" Anne said holding up a grey shirt that said We think Harry's got the X Factor.

"Oh my god, mum what is that?" Harry asked. "Don't you like them?" Anne said. "I love them! Can I have one?" I responded. Harry looked at me puzzled. I looked back at him grinning.

"That is so embarrassing mum" Harry said. "Oh don't listen to him Anne, I think they're great!" I said. "Yeah I like them too" Gemma said smiling at Harry. Gemma looked at me and we both smirked. We always know how to get under Harry's skin.

Anne passed me a shirt and we cleared the table.

Afterwards we decided to play monopoly . I've never been very good at board games but sometimes me and Gemma team up against Harry.

Anne put out her delicious chocolate chip cookies for us. My family never has homemade desserts so I love when Anne bakes. She's the best cook.

She promised she would teach me how to bake and cook like her one day. I really hope she still will even if Harry moves away and we don't talk anymore.

After two hours of monopoly we gave up. Has anyone ever actually finished a full game I wonder. I know I definitely haven't.

Harry and I start walking to his room. "Oh Angel are you sleeping here tonight?" Anne asked me. "Yeah, my mum said I could since she won't let me skip school for Harry's audition." I answered. "Great. Harry make sure you get her enough blankets and a pillow this time please" Anne said. "Cmon I only forgot to give her a pillow one time and Angel found a teddy bear to use anyways." Harry said defensively. We all laughed.

"Don't worry Anne, I know where the pillows are now." I said jokingly while walking down the hall. We got to Harry's room and he opened the door for me to go in first. "Wow how gentlemen like" I said sarcastically. "Very funny Angel" Harry said.

I went into his room and sat on his bed while he went to get the spare mattress. His walls are covered in posters. Mainly music, such as The Eagles, Fleetwood Mac, and The Beatles. His cd rack is a complete mess. Zero organization. I've been telling him for years that he would be able to find cds much easier if it was organized but Harry isn't very good at neatness.

He came back carrying the twin sized mattress. It is the most uncomfortable bed that I have ever used. I've been sleeping here for over 4 years and I still can't get used to sleeping on it. Harry set the mattress on the ground next to his bed.

"Here you go" Harry said while handing me a couple blankets and a pillow. "Thank you" I responded. I placed them on the mattress.

Then I opened my bag and got my pjs out. "Harry turn around please" I said because he was staring at me. "I was going to anyway, don't worry" he said while turning. I quickly changed. "Okay you can look now" I said. "You turn around now, I have to change." Harry said.

"Harry why didn't you just change while you were turned around?"

"I didn't think about about it just turn around"

After he changed I grabbed my toothbrush and we both went to the bathroom. He got his toothbrush out and put the toothpaste on it.

"Can I borrow your toothpaste? I forgot mine" I asked.

"Yeah of course you can" he answered while handing me the toothpaste. As we were brushing our teeth, Harry looked at me in the mirror and smiled. I smiled back.

I was definitely going to miss moments like these.

After finishing in the bathroom we walked back into Harry's room. I sat on the mattress and got under the covers. Harry does the same but in his bed. "Hey can I ask you a question?" Harry asked.

"Sounds like you already" I said while laughing at him". Go ahead" I answered.

Harry let out a deep breath through his nose while smirking.

"Do you want me to audition for X Factor? Cause if you want me to just stay, I will" he said and turned his head towards me.

"Of course I want you to stay but I know that you're made for bigger things than working in a bakery. I want even more for you to achieve your dreams and be happy" I said.

"Thank you" Harry said and then paused for a moment. "I'm really going to miss you. I know I might not make it but if I do, I really hope we'll still be friends" he said.

"Me too" I said quietly.

The room went silent. Not another word was spoken and we fell asleep.

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