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Silver Valley School of Arts

Students throughout the cafeteria chattered and laughed as they ate their food. Some were singing on the side, dancing, clapping while others were quieter and did their homework. Regardless, being an Arts School, the Silver Valley cafeteria was never silent. There was always a performance on stage, the school band and orchestra playing, a stand-up act, or even a magic show. Everyday was something new and exciting.

To clarify, this school wasn't like many other schools in Seoul. The "Arts" refers mainly to students who dream of debuting as an idol in the KPOP industry. Whether it be a solo artist, a member of a group, a songwriter, or a producer, this school was an important part of the process and training. These students were many from which KPOP companies would offer a contract with, if they haven't already gotten any offers.

Anyway, at Silver Valley, the students of the Performing Arts were relatively familiar amongst themselves, but everyone still had their own niches. Nobody was ever really shy around each other. Well, maybe except for Doyun, who unintentionally found himself day dreaming of the girl who always sat with her friends at their usual seats in the front row near the stage. They were friends, yes, but who'd be dumb enough to admit their feelings to one of the most popular girls of the school?

Walking into the cafe was a boy spinning a basketball on his finger. He noticed his distracted friend and approached, laughing softly through his nose, "Doyun, don't you think it's a little creepy to be staring at those girls all the time?" he said with a little smirk. "You know you can talk to them, right? They're literally your friends..."

He stopped the spinning ball and sat down at the table, next to the other boy with a baseball cap who was falling asleep. He put an arm around him to wake him up by shaking his shoulders.

He lifted his head slowly with a glare. After seeing who woke him up, he relaxed. "Did you finish practice already, Yoongi?" he asked with a yawn and laid on his arms again.

"Do you need me to scold you too, Seojun? Why are you always falling asleep in the cafe? Don't you have a test to study for?" Yoongi asked and shook his shoulders some more.

"That's not how you wake him up," Doyun said and gave Yoongi a devilish smile.

Yoongi had a look of realization and fear, "No, don't..."

Doyun snatched the hat away and Seojun sat upright almost immediately. He didn't say anything but the clenched jaw and fixed death glare was enough to wipe Doyun's smile off his face and return the hat.

"Fucking idiot," Yoongi scolded and flicked Doyun's head, making him rubbed it in pain afterwards. They both knew Seojun hated when people took his things, but Doyun was just stupid enough to take the risk. "Why are you so sleepy?"

Doyun cleared his throat and replied to the question for him, "Nah, Seojun made me and Jungkook stay up with him last night to study but when the clock hit 12, his girlfriend called him over and-"

Seojun reached over the table and flicked Doyun's forehead as well, just to get him to shut up. "Don't talk about her. I already let you off the hook for touching my things so you'd better watch it. Go drool over that girl some more. What's her name... Jennie?"

Seojun looked over his shoulder at the group of girls who sat near the front of the stage. They smiled and giggled as they ate their lunch and it made him roll his eyes. He wasn't the type to have many close friends, other than Yoongi and Doyun and a few others. Honestly, many students didn't dare to be his friend because of the "troublemaker" label he had.

There was just no room for scandals in the KPOP world.

Upon seeing Seojun's face under the cap, Yoongi noticed the scrape on his cheekbone. He ignored it as he did every other time because bringing it up wouldn't be good for anyone.

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