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Silver Valley Dormitory

Jennie's fingertips traced Seojun's jawline as her hand slid to the back of his head, pulling him in for a gentle kiss. But he pulled back a few seconds later.

"Why me?" he asked and she gave him a confused look. "Why did you annoy me so much before?"

"Annoy you? You mean... talk to you?" she asked and he shrugged. "Well, we wouldn't be here, doing this, if I didn't annoy you."

Jennie smiled but Seojun stayed indifferent.

"There was no reason for you to talk to me. I didn't even want to talk to you in the first place..." he said quietly and looked away. "Why were you nice to me when I was so cold to you?"

Jennie took a deep breath and stood up in front of him. She cupped his face in her hands, tilting his head to look up at her but he kept his eyes down.

"Why is it so hard to look at me? Especially me?" she said, referring to their conversation at the carnival.

Seojun slowly looked up at her and she had a sad expression at on her.

"Because you're Jennie."

"... Is that bad?"


He moved his head down and she lifted it up again.

"Yeah, I'm Jennie. So what? It's not like people at school like me. Everyone gossips about me, maybe even more now that they see me with you..." she mumbled that last part.

"People hate you."

She was taken aback for a second. "... Thanks," she replied sarcastically.

"People hate you but people love you, too. Everyone knows you, Jennie. You're the Principal's daughter. The school's IT girl."

Jennie looked to the side, "And what about it?"

"Every guy dreams about being with you. What's the point of dreaming about you too when I'm not the only one?"

Seojun sighed and held her hands in his. He always had an eye for Jennie but he never thought anything would happen since he was dating Chaewon. At the end of the day, Jennie was what Chaewon and him fought about the most because Chaewon loved to run her name name in their arguments after the one time Seojun mentioned her.

"After dinner with my mum, I feel vulnerable every time I look at you," he said. "I hate that."

He made eye contact with her again.

"Don't look too hard then. You might just fall for me," she said and moved his arms out of the way to straddle his lap.

She leaned down slowly and their noses touched. Then she closed her eyes, kissing him passionately. His hands found their way around her waist, holding her body against his tightly. Seojun licked her bottom lip and when she tried to kiss him harder, she accidentally bit his lip.

He flinched and pulled away. A few seconds later, his bottom lip was bleeding and she gave an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry..." she said and wiped the blood with her thumb.

Seojun smirked then turned over to put her on the bed. He laid directly on top of her.

"Baby..." he said.

Jennie blinked and gulped at how she could feel the beating in his chest.

"Baby?" she asked softly.

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