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Silver Valley Dormitory

"No more interruptions," Jennie said and locked her room door.

Seojun stared at her and she held his hands. He clenched his jaw and let go of her hands to hold her waist, carefully pressing her back against the door.

"Have you done this with Chaewon?" she asked and he sighed.

"Don't say that name."

"I just want to know... if you've done anything before..."

Jennie played with the hair on the back of Seojun's head. It was soft to touch as she pulled on it anxiously.

"Have you done anything?"

"I need you to answer my questions before you ask me another one," she said with seriousness. "... I'm a little... nervous."

"Then we don't have to do anything," he replied like it was that easy.

"No, Seojun, I want to. I'm just scared."

Seojun leaned his forehead on hers and closed his eyes.

"I like you, Jennie... a bit too much."

Jennie smiled and laughed a little. "Then, kiss me."

Seojun opened his eyes and she was staring up at him. He lifted her up, wrapping her legs around his waist, then pressed her back against the door so that her face was higher than his.

Very slowly, Seojun pressed his lips against hers and Jennie closed her eyes. Butterflies filled her stomach as she familiarized with his kiss, kissing him back gently. Her heart pumped from excitement. She's never kissed anyone before.

Seconds later, he pulled away and they were both out of breath already.

"That was my first kiss... was I okay?" she asked shyly and he nodded.

"Did you eat candy before?" Seojun asked and she held back a smile, meaning yes. "You tasted sweet."

Jennie leaned down and kissed him again, it became addicting to her. And when Seojun slid a hand up her leg and pressed his body against hers, she smirked a little then stopped the kiss.

"Was that okay?" he asked.

"Put me on the bed," she ordered. He contemplated in his head and he listened to her, placing her on top of the bed.

He was above standing above her now, just admiring Jennie's facial features before he leaned closer to kiss her lips once more. Her kisses were so gentle and delicate, something that Seojun was never really used to before. If it was Jennie's first time kissing someone, he was hesitant to act too fast.

Taking a risk, he moved away from her lips to kiss under her chin. His breath against her neck sent shivers down her spine. Everything was so new to her.

"Jennie," a voice called from outside and Seojun froze, hearing that it didn't sound like one of their friend's voices. "... Jennie?"

Then he came to his senses and got off of her. His face was flushed as walked to the corner of the room, farthest away from the bed. Jennie stood up and cleared her throat.

"W-Who is it?" she asked.

"Your mum said you weren't picking up your phone so she called me," Rosé said and knocked on the door. "I tried to cover for you but it didn't work..." she whispered.

"What do I do?" Seojun whispered and Jennie's mom knocked on the door.

Seojun panicked and Jennie just pointed under her bed but he shook his head.

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