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"I'm sorry... There's just something I have to do with JYP tonight," Seojun said over the phone.

Jennie sighed and stared at the ceiling as she laid on her bed.

"It's fine. I understand. I have to get back to work tomorrow morning anyway so we wouldn't have had time to be together," Jennie replied.

"For a heads up... I'll be quite busy for a while. I still have work to do for JYP so I don't know if you'll see much of me."

"Seojun... This is horrible. We can't even see each other even if we're in the same city this time."

"I'd love to call you more often, but only if you pick up."

"There's no guarantee that I'll even text you back when I'm at work. YG has strict rules."

"Ah... Then... I hope we can talk soon. I'm going to hang up now."

".... okay."

"Good bye, Jennie."

"Mhm... bye."

Jennie hung up the phone and tossed it on her bed next to her. She spread out her arms and fell on her back, staring straight at the ceiling.

"This sucks!" she yelled and covered her face with a pillow. "Seojun.... I miss you so much. Why didn't I just call you? What kind of girlfriend am I?"

Her phone buzzed with a notification and she turned her phone on to check the message she just got from Seojun.

"Where will you be this weekend?"

"YG dance practice. Why?"

"Just wondering."

"I'll miss you."

Jennie smiled at his text and closed the messages without replying. She opened her photo app and looked for the album she named 'Junie'—derived from 'Seojunie'.

She smiled to herself as she looked through the silly photos she took of him with Kuma and Kai. There were also photos of her and Seojun, taken by her mother.

Jennie zoomed in on a photo she took on Chunhua Island where Seojun was wearing his favourite hat. They were walking on one of the beaches and she told him to hug a tree like a koala, to which he agreed to do in exchange for kisses.

Then, she sighed.

"I should've kissed you every chance I got, Seojun. I promise I'll kiss you the next time I see you, no matter where it'll be," she said out loud with determination. "No excuses. I'll just do it."

Jennie got out of bed and went downstairs again. She played with her dogs for the rest of the day, enjoying the break from work.


"Jendeukie, there's a special gift for you," Jisoo said with a smirk and handed her a card.

"From whom?" Jennie asked after taking a sip of her water.

They had just finished a few run-throughs of their dance in preparation for their next comeback. Jennie had more practice coming since she had a solo song before the other girls.

"Open it in the break room with the gift," Jisoo said and waved her over to walk together.

She followed her instructions and in the break room, there was a little potted plant on the table and she opened the card in her hand.

My mother also owns a flower shop.
Enjoy the plant.

- Seojun

"Oh my god, it's so cute!" Rosé and Lisa squealed when they saw the little plant.

"There's a baby pink bow!" Rosé gasped then pet the plant. "Who sent this?"

Lisa smirked then whispered to Rosé, "her boyfriend. I saw the card."

"Girls, who is sending gifts to the company?" one of their managers asked and came in with three other plants. They were equally as cute but Jennie's was more vibrant and decorated with budding flowers.

The manager gave Jisoo, Rosé and Lisa a plant per person and Jennie stole the card for Rosé's plant.

Plants help me think of new music.
Try it.

- Seojun

"Ah, Seojun is so nice to do this," Jisoo said as she admired her plant.

"What does your card say, unnie?" Lisa asked Jisoo before reading her own out loud. "Mine says 'Chamomile helps to cope with stress. This is not chamomile but I hope you will enjoy it in the same way. Seojun.' Wah, this is so great."

Jisoo smiled at her card and Jennie walked over to look.

Plants have 4D personalities too.
But this is just a normal plant.

- Seojun

"Seojun is really creative with his cards," Jisoo laughed, "I think I'm rubbing off on him."

"You're what?" Jennie asked defensively after hearing something else.

"Influencing him to be more 4D," Jisoo clarified.

"Ah... yeah," Jennie replied. She was a little jealous that the other girls got a gift from Seojun, but it was sweet of him to get it for all four of them.

Jennie took her phone out and texted Seojun to see if he was busy. She texted him in the morning too but he hasn't replied.

"Lisa can we trade ribbons? I want baby pink," Rosé asked and took the black ribbon off of her plant.

"Jendeukie, can you thank Seojun for us?" Jisoo asked but Jennie didn't seem to be paying attention. "Jennie? Jennie-ah."

"Huh? Yeah take my ribbon if you want it," she replied and kept looking at her phone.

The girls noticed Jennie's daze but let it go since they knew not to bother her about Seojun or Jennie would go in a tangent of missing him, and god knows what will happen if YG were to hear her.


"Oh, hello, sir," Rosé said to the man at the door.

Jennie looked up to see YG and followed the rest of her members in greeting him.

"Jennie, who's been sending you gifts?" YG asked and Jennie was confused.

"This was the only gift, sir. And they're from our friend from school," Jennie replied.

"This was only one of the gifts he's sent. I only allowed it since it was for the four of you. Why is he sending things, Jennie?" YG asked.

Jennie began to panic. She couldn't reveal who Seojun was when she was supposed to be in a relationship with Kai from EXO.

"He just fancied me very much. I'll tell him to stop with the gifts," Jennie said.

YG nodded and looked around at the plants, before speaking again.

"Don't forget that you have plans with Kai tonight. It's at a restaurant but dress accordingly so our staff can get photos of you outside."

"Yes, sir," Jennie said with a firm nod.

YG nodded back and they bowed to him when he left the room.

Thank you for reading ✌️

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