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"It's finally moving day!" Doyun yelled as he barged into Seojun's room of their dorm with a box. "Wake up, idiot! We only have one day to get our shit out and into our new apartment!"

Doyun dropped the box of his own stuff on the ground so he could take one of the pillows from the bed, then smacked Seojun's head with it to wake him up. Seojun shut his eyes tighter and flipped over to shove his face into his remain pillow.

"Fuck off, Doyun," Seojun mumbled into the pillow.

"Moving won't take too long. Yoongi and JK have to help us anyway."

"Get out."

"Okay, okay. Just wake up by noon. You have 2 hours," Doyun said and closed Seojun's door loudly on his way out.

Seojun groaned and laid on his back again. He opened one eye to check the time on his phone and Doyun had woke him up at 8:24 AM.

"Fucking... dickhead," he said with a groggy voice and pulled his blanket over his head.

Seojun fell back asleep while Doyun went out to play basketball with Yoongi. When they came back to the dorm around 10AM, he cooked the last of the ingredients in their fridge for brunch.

"He's still not awake? That's surprising... he used to wake up at 6 just to workout or something," Yoongi said and Doyun shrugged.

"That was him when he was being ignored by Jennie. I don't know why he's so tired now."

Yoongi nodded in understanding and turned the TV on as he hopped onto the couch.

"Do you think they broke up? I haven't seen him with Jennie for a long while now. And he barely talks about her," Yoongi said while looking at the TV.

"I don't even know. But Chaeyoung from TWICE comes over sometimes and they write music and stuff. I doubt he'd cheat on Jennie though. Who would cheat on someone as hot as her?"

Yoongi stifled a laugh, "ha. That's what we said about Chaewon."

Doyun laughed too.

"She was a real bitch... but I feel like that was because of Seojun," Doyun replied and began to cook some bacon.

It sizzled loudly and Yoongi turned his attention to Doyun.

"What does Seojun have to do with Chaewon's attitude?"

Doyun sighed, "Seojun didn't even like the girl. They dated after meeting at some business thing with their parents and Chaewon just wanted to have sex with him."

Yoongi walked over to Doyun at the stove now, fully intrigued.

"They dated for business? What kind of old-fashion shit are their families into?" Yoongi said and leaned on the counter. "Anyway, what made her a bitch?"

"Well, you know Seojun. He's cold, and he doesn't like talking to anyone who doesn't matter. Chaewon got too desperate, I guess, and she became annoying. Seojun never did anything about it and she just developed a grudge for everything."

Yoongi shook his head in disbelief.

"I've been friends with Seojun since he knew Chaeyoung as kids," Yoongi said. "His dad really fucked him up before. I remember when he threw him off the swings because it was 'too girly'. After that, more things kept happening and Seojun just stopped talking about anything... For a while I thought Jennie could've changed him."

Doyun rolled his eyes, "I only hope that Seojun didn't change Jennie."

There was a knock on the door and Yoongi went over to open it. He was surprised to see the girl standing at the door.

"Hey, Jennie. What's up?" Yoongi asked and let her in.

"I need to talk to Seojun-" She noticed the boxes everywhere instead of furniture. "Are you guys moving soon?" she asked as she walked around.

"Yup. The moving truck's coming in a few hours," Doyun replied from the stove.

"Seojun's probably sleeping. His door isn't locked so you can just go inside," Yoongi replied and Jennie nodded in appreciation.

Jennie opened the door and Seojun was partly tangled up in his sheets on his bed. It barely covered his body and she could see his irresistible abs peaking out from underneath.

She walked closer but her foot knocked into a box. It didn't have a lid so when she looked, something caught her eye.

"For when you miss me," a small book read.

Jennie picked up the book and her jaw dropped to see that each page had inappropriate photos of some girl. She quickly snapped it shut and threw it back in the box, feeling like her hands were icky for some reason.

She clenched her fists and regained her composure by taking a deep breath.

"Wake the fuck up!" Doyun and Yoongi heard from inside Seojun's room. They eyed each other and awkwardly listened for Seojun's voice.

"Wake up! Wake up!" Jennie shouted.

Seojun shielded himself with his arms as he opened at eye to see Jennie angrily hitting him with a pillow.

"What? What are you doing?" he asked with a morning voice.

It was usually sexy for Jennie to hear but now it was annoying her to the bone and only filling her with more rage.

"Are you cheating on me?" Jennie asked loudly.


"I asked, are you cheating on me?!" she said again and threw the pillow at him.

"I don't even know what's going on? How did you get here?"

"What the hell is wrong with you? Do you not understand how to answer a question?"

Seojun was suddenly under shock and he couldn't even find the words to say. He rubbed his eyes and Jennie's face was filled with fury. She was huffing and gripped the pillow in her hand tight enough for her knuckles to turn white. Then she took a breath.

"Who is she?" Jennie asked calmly this time. She dropped the pillow and crossed her arms over her chest.

Seojun stared at her for moment, trying to understand what she was asking of him.

"Who are you talking about?"

"The girl you've been fucking behind my back! Who is she? Who is she?!!"

Jennie reach down and took the photo book from earlier. She shoved it into Soejun's face.

"Maybe we should check on them," Yoongi said but Doyun stopped him.

"If we've learned anything from Chaewon, we shouldn't interfere..."

"I don't even know what this is!" Seojun replied and Jennie scoffed with an eye roll.

"I can't believe this. I came over to see how my boyfriend was and see an entire collection of perverted photos of some other girl. I'm leaving," she said and opened the door.

"Wait, stop!" Seojun yelled and got out of bed to run after her. He was only in his underwear but he couldn't let Jennie leave.

He ran out of the room and Doyun and Yoongi stopped her from leaving the dorm too.

Seojun caught up to her and held her hand, "Jennie, you don't understand-"

"Do not touch me," she warned as she pulled her arm away.

"This isn't even mine!"

"Why was it in your room?!"



"You're not listening to me!"

"I don't want to hear your excuses!"

Seojun clenched his jaw and snatched Jennie in his arms and carried her to his room where he locked the door. She was not going to leave without hearing the truth.

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