The Twist of Fate

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A hot, brunette wearing a sexy, little black dress pulls Joy from the bar at The Cruise, towards the ladies washroom on the top deck. After ensuring nobody else is inside the washroom, she quickly turns around and locks the door.

Without wasting a single breath, she smashes her red, luscious lips on Joy's pink ones. The kiss is rough, needy and lustful, as she nibbles and sucks on his lower lip, while he hungrily devours her upper one. There is nothing soft or passionate about their lip lock, just carnal desire to suck the life out of each other.

His left hand slips into her hair, grabbing a fistful, while his right one shamelessly roams over her dress, from her waist to her navel and slowly upwards, grazing lightly over her curves, before moving to her shoulders to remove her straps.

His hand brushes over her shoulder blade, slowly sinking downwards again, towards the curve of her chest. His index finger traces her cleavage teasingly, causing her to gasp. His tongue immediately takes advantage of her opened mouth and battles to dominate hers. Their tongues dance slowly to the music of her moans.

He kisses her roughly, his possesive hands pulling her closer, until she cannot breathe any more and breaks the kiss. His lips slowly find their way downwards to her neck, biting and sucking on her exposed skin.

Her hands play with his soft chocolate brown curls, alternatively pulling the hair and caressing it as he drives her crazy with his skillful mouth. Every dominating flick of his tongue, every rough bite, every needy sucking sends a shiver down her spine, straight to her core. She is lost in ecstasy, the world around her beginning to disappear, only inexplicable pleasure dominates her senses.

Suddenly a loud knock on the bathroom door interrupts their moment of ecstasy, and leaves them both hot and bothered.

While they're panting heavily for breath, and still contemplating whether to continue the action or just leave, the knock gets louder and louder.


Faith, and her friends Grace, Rose and Ava are having a great time, grooving to the music at The Cruise and occasionally going to the bar to grab their drinks. Faith totally fell in love with The Cruise, the dim lighting, great music, starry sky, whistling winds and crashing waves, everything about the place is perfect.

Blissfully perfect. Until, one drunk guy decides to ruin the mood by spilling his drink on her red, knee length, sleeveless dress. She excuses herself, dismissing Rose's offer to join her in the trip to the washroom.

"I'm a big, independent girl Rosie, I can manage a small trip to the washroom alone. You girls continue dancing," she tells her and leaves for the washroom.

That's Faith, always strong and independent, never taking anyone's help. She's like a lone wolf, that catches up with her pack sometimes, but doesn't need them to survive.

As she nears the washroom, shushed voices of moans and groans fall on her ears. She may not be too outgoing herself, but doesn't really mind people having fun in their lives. But in public places? Seriously? Get a room!

She wants to go back to her friends quickly and dance away the night, so standing and waiting for the unknown couple's adventure to end is not something she is capable of. Hence, she decides to interrupt them and knock the door. The moans stop, but nobody moves or opens the door. So, she knocks again, harder. And, again.

After a few seconds, a woman opens the door, and walks away sheepishly.

She is followed by a guy, who looks not much older than herself, wearing a familiar football jersey. His honey brown eyes stare at her with a glint of naughtiness. His chocolate brown hair is all messed up, from the obvious encounter that she just interrupted mercilessly.

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