Drenched Dreams

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Warning: Contains mature content.



Joy carries me in his arms again and I can't help but feel nervous. This is exactly what I was afraid about, being too close to him for me to be able to handle myself.

And the fact that he's growing increasingly caring and sweet isn't helping either. If he were rude or inappropriate, I would at least have some reason to put some distance between us, now I can't even say no to him without seeming paranoid. He is so damn nice, I feel awful for putting him in tough spots again and again.

After letting me enjoy the waterfall, and pulling me gently down from the rock into the water, he is now helping me clean up by washing my hair. I am sure he is just trying to help me, but the sensations his touch sends down my body straight to my core make me shut my eyes tightly. Before I realise, his hands leave my hair and move down to the hem of my dress, as if reading my thoughts.

I open my eyes to look at him and find him waiting for my permission. Damn, how much I want to feel his touch against my throbbing skin. But, I can't. I just can't give in to this exciting temptation.

So I let my hands do the same torture to him that he did to me. His eyes close up too, and I can't help but wonder what he is feeling right now. Does he feel the same pull that I do?

I drop my hands back to his shoulders and look into his now opened eyes. They look at me questioningly, as if waiting for me to drop a hint, so he can take me here and now.

I decide to turn around and remove my dress, I am sure I don't want his intense gaze on me as I get out of it. Once done, I turn around and find him staring at me still, but differently, as if longingly.

His wet, inviting lips look heavenly from this proximity, and I can't take my eyes off them for even a second.

He notices me staring at his lips and his own eyes dart repeatedly between my lips and my eyes, as if asking for permission. I close my eyes and let my instincts pull me forward towards him. Within seconds, I feel his warm, soft lips caressing and massaging mine. They move rhythmically against my lips as the kiss turns passionate with every passing second, desire and longing mixing into each movement.

He gently nibbles, and then tugs at my lower lip, making me gasp with pleasure. His delicious tongue immediately greets my own as they indulge in a sweet competition to taste each other better, exploring each corner of one another's mouth.

While his tongue continues to work wonders in my mouth, his hands work wonders under the water, caressing and drawing circles around my hardened peaks. He continues and my hands reach his hair, pulling and massaging it alternatively, rewarding him for his actions below the water.

With a final soft flick to my peaks and peck to my lips, he breaks the electrifying kiss, and looks into my eyes affectionately.

"Wow.... that was so amazing", I tell him, panting heavily for breath.

He smiles at me.

"Sweetheart, if you find this kiss so amazing, imagine how deliciously, toe-curlingly amazing I can make you feel, if you let me," he says moving his hands slowly down my waist to my thighs, brushing the skin suggestively.

"Just imagine.. how amazing I can make you feel with my fingers... with my tongue... with my..", I put my finger over his lips to stop his torturous words, but he kisses it gently, making me shudder at the touch.

"What's stopping you from feeling amazing, love?", he asks me, pulling me closer with a jerk and making me collide into his muscular chest. His hands continue brushing against my inner thighs, inching slowly towards the throbbing ache that he can turn into pleasure with just one touch.

"Tell me love, do you want to feel amazing?", he asks, teasingly moving his fingers over the drenched fabric between my legs, making me wetter than before.

"Do you want me to touch you, until you forget all the inhibitions that hold you back, and remember nothing except my name?", he teases my wetness again, while moving his other hand behind me and squeezing my butt.

I yelp and he chuckles at my reaction. I nod nervously, not realizing where I got this sudden boldness from.

"Use your words, love", he says and I gulp hard.

"I do..." I manage to utter.

"You do what, love?", he asks amusedly.

"I do want to feel amazing," I say and he cups my wetness with his hand, tearing away the last piece of clothing separating my neediness from his heavenly touch.

° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °

I wake up with a jolt and realize I am back in the cave.

Shit, what kind of a dream was that?

I try to get up and realize how drenched the dream left me. Is that even possible? To be aroused by a dream?

This is terribly wrong. So, so wrong. How can I think about Joy like this? He is just being sweet and caring, and I turned it all into a damned fantasy? He doesn't deserve that. I don't deserve that. I deserve a normal, platonic association with him, without complicating anything.

These stupid hormone induced feelings will just fuck up my mind temporarily and ruin my life permanently. I can't put myself through that again. I had decided, hell, I had planned to live a celibate life until I found my one woman man, and this is how I am going to execute that plan of celibacy?

My immature brain can't handle a little intimacy with the first guy it finds sexy? How am I going to stay celibate like this? Do I even want to be celibate? Clearly my brain doesn't want to. It wants me to think inappropriate thoughts about Joy.

And, Joy of all people? Isn't he a casanova? A guy who hops from woman to woman every other day? What happened to wanting a one woman man? Do I have any self control or resolve left in me? Can't I uphold even one of my own conditions?

Arghhh! This is so crazy. I will go insane this way. I need to go back home and be away from Joy. Watching him day and night has made me dangerously attached to him, and this won't end well. I will have to put some distance between us.

I think I know what I will have to do.

But, I can't help but wish, how great it would have been if Joy wasn't a casanova, instead he was a one woman man. My one woman man.


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