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I lie down and look upwards towards the cave roof, thinking to myself how did I let it come to this. For the last several months, I have had everything figured out to great details and I executed all my plans to perfection.

But suddenly, life happened.

And now here I am, stranded on an uninhabited island, with an attractive, not-so-strange-anymore stranger, unable to control my desire to fuck all my plans and see what destiny has planned for me instead.

This feeling is so fucking crazy, so scary and bone-chilling. What if I end up lonely and heartbroken all over again? Is this temptation worth all the hassle that will come with it? Is Joy really worth screwing up all my principles and putting my heart at stake again? Am I even capable of a casual fling or a hookup? Will he ever want anything more than that?

God, why am I even thinking all of this? This is crazy. I am crazy. I need to get out of this zone. I will lose my sanity over this.

While I am busy fighting my inner self, I don't notice when Joy comes inside the cave and sits near me. He touches my swollen foot gently and shakes me out of my trance.

I immediately jerk my foot away from his hand and he looks at me surprisedly.

"I am just checking your injury," he says gently and reaches for my foot again. I pull it towards me, to examine it myself instead.

"It's better, I think I should be able to walk now," I inform him.

He nods and shifts to sit comfortably against the cave wall. Thankfully, he doesn't say anything else to challenge me. Even if I can't walk comfortably, I don't want him anywhere near me right now. Him touching me will just bring all those amazing sensations back to me and I am not mentally prepared to handle them yet again.

"How did I come back here?," I ask him. I need something to hold against him, and I hope he gives me some reason to be angry at him.

"I carried you back here, it was getting dark outside and I tried waking you up, but you didn't wake, probably due to your head injury. So, I did what I thought was best and brought you back here anyway," he said in a gentle yet firm tone.

Yeah Joy, you did the right thing, but why do you have to be so flawlessly right all the time. Try fucking up for a change?

I can't let this slide. I have to be angry at him.

"And then what did you do next huh? You carried me half naked all the way here from that waterfall beach and later, you conveniently changed me into this scarf dress without my consent? What did you do in between huh? I am sure whatever you did was probably best for you, not for me, wasn't it?", I retort angrily.

I know you are not that kind of person Joy, I am so sorry I have to do this to you.

"Faith..," he says in a angry, warning tone and looks at me wide eyed.

"You probably just thought, she didn't wake up all the way till here and anyway, she is such a weakling, so what the hell, let's have some fun, she won't remember anything," I continue blabbering angrily.

I know I am talking nonsense Joy, but I have to do this.

He gets up angrily, looking at me like I punctured his favorite football, but much worse.

"What the fuck are you talking about Faith? Have you lost it? Why the hell would I think or do anything like that?," he says shaking his head furiously.

God, I have never seen him so angry.

He pauses for a second and looks at me with an unrecognisable expression on his face. His eyes look almost pained, but his hands are shaking with fury.

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