Chaos After The Storm

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My head is throbbing with pain, like somebody is banging it with a hammer. My clothes seem drenched and clingy, but my bare legs feel warm. My eyelids are so heavy, but I force myself to peek them open to check if I made it safely to the shore.

The sunlight feels like daggers to my drowsy eyes, but this is not the time to complain. At least the storm is over and I live to see the sun for another day.

As soon as I force my eyes open, I am met with an immense ocean on all three sides of the shore I am lying on. There's sand all over my clothes, my hair and my body, but that's the least of my problems. The life boat is nowhere around, and neither is any other boat.

Or human.


Atleast my bag is still slinging on my body in a criss-cross manner, I hope spending my hard earned money on this water proof, expensive leather bag pays off and my phone still works. I had charged my phone before the party, so battery should still be good. I take my phone out and stare at the bars. Yep, 85%, good. Then, I stare at the signal reception, no bars.

Damn! How will I call for help now?

I look around and my eyes fall on another body lying unconscious a bit far away.

Unconscious.. or dead?! I hope not.

I move closer to him and turn him around to look at his face and try to wake him up.

The guy from the ladies toilet.

I grab his wrist to check his pulse. Yep, alive. Thankfully, or maybe not?!

I hope he's not some creepy guy. And, I don't want to make small talk with him when he wakes up, I hate small talk. I hope he isn't pissed off about me interrupting his little adventure in the washroom last night.

God, I want to go home and finish my book right now, not get entangled in this stupid mess.

I should probably look around, this must be some part of the city that doesn't get network reception. But, there should be people around here somewhere. And, water. Or better, coffee! This headache is killing me!

I decide to look around and call for help. Maybe somebody will hear me.

"Hello! Is somebody here?"


"Can somebody hear me?!!!!"


Just then, an amused voice calls out from behind me,

"Hello, beautiful!"

I turn around and meet those deep honey brown eyes. His lips are curved in a mysterious smile that looks either pleased or surprised. I think my alcohol hasn't worn out yet. Why does he look happy in this situation?



A soft, small hand pulls me around and wakes me from my beautiful sleep. I haven't slept so peacefully in ages. The hand now grabs my wrist and two sleek, feathery soft fingers are trying to find something. My pulse?? Then, I hear a sigh of relief.

Somebody looks relieved that I am alive.

As much as the thought brings a million naughty ideas in my head, the touch on my skin seems to calm my restless brain and the ideas seem revolting to my soul. I try to open my eyes and peek a look at her, but my eyelids are too heavy to comply. Suddenly, the hand slips away from my skin and I feel.. cold.

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