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The sun is finally overhead now.

I am sitting in the middle of the SOS sign, with Joy's head in my lap. He had woken up for a brief time, and I helped him to come out here in the sun, hoping the sunlight will do him some good.

Now he's asleep again, or maybe unconscious, I don't really know for sure. His body is sweaty from the scorching heat, which has brought his temperature down a bit, but I am not sure if it will stay down for long.

Also by my side, is a long, vertical piece of wood, that I have dug in the sand like a flag pole. Mounted on top of it, is Joy's jersey, flapping against the wind like a true flag. It isn't too high, but I thought, well, why not?! This could be one more way to attract attention, yeah I know, desperate is a small word for what I am doing. But, I can't afford to fail.

If a plane comes today and they fail to spot us because I didn't try as hard as I could have, it would be a failure I am not ready to face. I will try every damn thing in my control, every damn thing I can think of, I will give it my all, and leave the rest in the hands of destiny.

Isn't that all we can do anyway? Give our all and let our destiny decide what is in store for us. If Joy and I are meant to be, destiny will align all the stars in our favor and get us out of here. Everything will fall into place. And once we are out of here, we will finally be able to get Joy the medical care he really needs.


It's been over an hour since we are sitting here. My eyes haven't left the sky for even a miniscule moment. But, I haven't spotted anything flying out in this terrible heat yet, not even a bird.

Please God, send us help soon.



Inside a Cockpit

Control Room: Boeing 747, there is a huge forest fire reported on your regular route again today. The smoke is terrible and there's zero visibility. Please turn 45 degrees to the right and take a detour. Over.

Pilot, sighing heavily: Not this again today! The flight is delayed by an hour already.

Co-Pilot: Affirmative, control room. We are taking a detour. Over.

- After a few minutes on the detour -

Pilot: Is that what I think it is?

Co-Pilot: Inform the control room immediately.

Pilot: Boeing 747 to Control Room, there is a signal fire and an SOS at the ground below our current location. They look like they need urgent help. Please dispatch a rescue team immediately.

Control Room: Can you elaborate the situation, Captain? We may need more information for the rescue team.

Pilot: I see two people beside the SOS sign, one seems to have passed out and other is waving a makeshift flag at us frantically. It's an island of sorts, so contact the naval rescue team at the earliest.

Control Room: Aye, Captain. We'll see to it immediately.



After looking at the sky continuously for over an hour, I was on the verge of losing hope of seeing a plane ever again. Maybe Joy was right after all, it was a one time thing.

But, then I saw it, even before I could hear it.

Another plane.

My miracle. The messenger of my destiny. The ray of hope in our despair. The silver lining to our dark clouds. And, most importantly, the medicine to Joy's wounds.

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