Caring for you

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"Oh my God.... No, No, No Faith! Shit!"

My heart sinks in my chest and my breathing stops momentarily.

I run towards the edge and stand there shell shocked, as I watch Faith tumble down over and over until she bumps her head against a tree trunk and passes out, about midway down the hill.

My heart starts thumping so loud, a drumroll may seem dull compared to it. My feet refuse to budge as my head spins with confusion.

What just happened?!

Just a few seconds ago, we saw a ray of hope to return back to our normal lives, and now this? How could I let this happen?

How could I be so damn careless? I left her all alone by the edge with a twisted ankle? And those fucking heels, I swear I am going to break them with my own two hands.

I look down again at Faith, she lays motionless near the tree she bumped against.

God, why isn't she moving?

Fuck. Why ain't I moving?

I dash down the slope, slipping, sliding, getting back up, running and finally reaching where she lay. I notice my hands trembling as they reach out towards her.

Please be fine, Faith. Please, please just be okay. I don't know how the fucking hell will I live if something happens to you. Please don't leave me alone here. Just... just be fine, and I don't fucking care how long I have to stay stuck here as long as I am with you and you are okay.

I turn her over to make her lie on her back and watch her face drained of all color and her eyes loosely shut. My fingers carefully find their way to the side of her neck, and I sigh in relief as I finally feel her pulse there.

Thank God.

I try to shake her up slightly to wake her.


"Please open your eyes, Faith".

She shifts a little bit, and her eyes start moving under her eyelids.

I sit down next to her and gently take her head in my lap. Then, I move a stray hair behind her ear and rub her cheek gently.

"Faith, please baby, open your eyes for me, you're fine, see I am here with you," I try to talk to her.

Her eyes flutter momentarily and then she forces them open.

"Joy....", she manages to whisper and tries to get up. But, before she can move much, I stop her and pull her into a tight embrace instead.

"Thank God, you're okay, Faith. I was so scared... I almost thought I lost you," I tell her as I pat her back gently.

I pull her away from my embrace, and focus my eyes on hers.

"You're okay, right? Does it hurt somewhere? Say something Faith, are you fine or not?", I ask her impatiently but she doesn't say anything, just keeps staring at me like I am speaking a foreign language.

She finally nods, "I am fine Joy."

Thank God.

I pull her into a tight embrace immediately again, I will not leave her alone for even a second now. She just keeps landing in more and more trouble everyday.

After a few moments, I feel her trembling hands patting my back gently as she says again, "I am fine Joy, really."

I break our hug to look at her face.

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