The Survival Strategy

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The walk through the forest feels eerie and soothing simultaneously. It's been ages since I spent time in nature, the birds chirping, leaves rustling, insects humming, and waves crashing in distance, it is strangely calming my nerves. However, the thoughts of dangers that could be lurking in the forest make my heart beat erratically at the smallest new noise.

The guy from the ladies washroom, Joy, isn't so bad either. He seemed genuinely hurt when he said he is no monster who hurts women around. Maybe it's too soon to form a solid opinion about him.

I mean, yes, he seems like a cocky, sarcastic, casanova, but I think I can live with that, for now. Not like I have much choice though. And, thankfully, he doesn't seem to know a thing about karate, else he would have guessed that being a green belt wouldn't actually guarantee his broken hands after all.

I find his eyes lingering on me a few times, and my drenched, clinging dress seems to favor him. I have gotten used to people checking me out though, so, as long as he doesn't cross a line, we can coexist.

I don't know what I would have done if I were here alone though, his presence is a blessing in that sense. As much as I hate taking people's help, I couldn't have managed here on my own. I would have been on the verge of a mental breakdown, if nothing else.

Joy seems practical and logical in a sense. He brings a different, fresh perspective to the table and two minds can definitely solve a problem sooner than one.

Only if he wasn't so cocky.

But, I guess nobody's perfect.

Anyway, right now, we are returning from our short trip to the outskirts of the forest. We gathered a few dried twigs and branches, sufficient to last us for tonight. We found a few shrubs of berries and some wild variety of watermelons. Since birds and ants were already feeding on a few fruits, we concluded they weren't poisonous for consumption.

We sat there and ate a stomach full,  crushing some watermelons to turn into juice and drink it, since we found no water yet. We also picked up sufficient fruits for the night, as venturing into the forest after sunset would be dangerous. My idea, obviously. He doesn't seem much concerned about planning the next steps for even today evening, forget tomorrow.

Me, on the other hand, I can plan the whole next month if I want, but that is not possible in an unknown territory like this. And, this feeling of unpreparedness is driving me crazy.

Back home, I had everything sorted in life, planned to great details.

Home to college, college to office, office to home, my life followed the same routine every working day.

Yes, office. I work part time at a start up, as an associate programmer. It helps me stay financially independent, my tution fee is already covered by scholarship and a small loan, so this job helps me support myself.

So my weekdays were always busy with this routine. On weekends, I preferred the company of a suspense or thriller novel and of course, my blanket to cozy up in the bed and let my imagination run wild on the journey to uncover secrets of the unknown.

Occasionally, I also planned getaways with my friends to catch a break from the routine life and unwind.

My girls know how I like my space most days, but whenever we catch up, it doesn't feel like we spent a single day apart. They know I am always a text away when they need me, I don't like phone calls much. And I despise small talk, don't like making acquaintances, or keeping large circles. Quality over quantity.

Thinking about them, makes me miss them all over again.

Joy suddenly breaks my chain of thoughts, "So, food is sorted for now. We'll have to find a shelter soon as well. The sky looks clear now, but we can't really trust the weather after yesterday."

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