Good morning gone bad

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TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter contains (not very graphic) scenes of molestation and violent reactions.

Author's note:

My lovely readers, please skip the italicized part if you are not comfortable with reading the details, and read the bold part right after it to get an overview. I have kept that summary concise in both POVs.

Please know what you can or cannot handle. Skip it if it bothers you. Your mental health is most important.


The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. Joy took a bath, kicked around some pebbles as if they were tiny footballs and after sunset, he set up a perimeter of small bonfires instead of a large one, to shield themselves from wild animals.

Faith spent most of her day engrossed in trying to make something out of her scarf using her sewing kit, but nothing presentable came out of it. Now, it was something like a one shoulder, half sewn, unusable piece of cloth.

After a few boring hours, both fell asleep under the stars.



The chirping of birds in far distance wakes me up. The sun isn't completely out yet, but it isn't dark either. I grab my half sewn scarf from my bag and begin walking towards our now regular bathing spot. 

The small fires in the perimeter Joy had set around us have burnt out into heaps of ashes now, with smoke still rising from a few. I walk past them and after a few yards, I reach the rock I find most comfortable.

I dip my feet in water and admire the ocean waves as they leave the shore and then, come back to it, over and over again, in a rhythmic manner. It is strangely soothing. I spend some time admiring this marvelous piece of beauty crafted by mother nature, when I suddenly sense some movement behind me.

I turn around immediately and my eyes drift towards Joy. He is fast asleep, facing the other side, towards the forest. I sigh and look back towards the ocean.

But, the calmness I was feeling is gone, and is replaced by an eerie feeling. A feeling of being under scrutiny. A feeling that someone or something is watching me.

I look behind myself randomly a few more times, but I don't see any animal around and Joy hasn't moved an inch since I woke up. Am I imagining things now? Has this place started affecting my sanity?

I decide to put off my bath for a while and just sit there.

! Warning

Suddenly, I feel a pair of strong, rough hands wrap around me, and grab my boobs. I freeze. What the hell? Wasn't Joy sleeping just a few moments ago? Was he acting? Whatever happened to the consent he keeps blabbering about?

When he doesn't move away for a few seconds, I try to shove his hands off me, preparing myself for delivering a lecture laden with curses or landing a tight slap to his face if need be. But his hands become firmer, almost adamant. Then, I feel a sharp squeeze and suddenly, my trance is broken. I yank myself away from his grip, and turn around on my heels submerged in water. That's when my eyes fall on his crooked face. He... 

He isn't Joy.  Of course, he isn't. Joy would never do that to me. 

He isn't any animal ready to attack me either. He is a.. human.

Another human on this island?

The human had greyish black hair growing out of almost every inch of his tanned face. An aging human with scary, bloodshot eyes that unclothed every inch of my body with their lust filled gaze. I shudder with fear and disgust.

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