The Storm Begins

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"Hey babe, I won't be able to come over tonight. It's John's birthday and I had totally forgotten about it. Really sorry, I'll make it up to you tomorrow, yes?"

I read his text and sigh. It's been over a dozen times Greg has done this over last few weeks. I have tried to be understanding, but I am running out of patience now.

I had turned down plans with Rosie and my girls for tonight because I had already agreed to Greg coming over. But, he ditched me yet again.

I am tired of this now. I decide to ignore him till he apologizes for his behaviour. He cannot just back out from a plan made over a week ago, and inform me when we are to meet in half an hour. He's left me hanging in restaurants so many times now, thankfully tonight I am just home.

I decide to call Rosie and see if I can still catch up with them.

"Hey Faith"

"Hey Rosie, where are you guys headed tonight? Can I join you?"

"I thought you had plans with Greg tonight. Did he bail out again?"

"Yeah, I am just tired of him. Can I please join you girls?"

"Of course. I'll text you the address. We're already on the way."

"Thanks babe, I'll see you there"

"Wait, listen Faith. I think you should keep a check on Greg, I don't get good vibes from him lately. And he always keeps ditching you. His behaviour seems kinda shady to me."

"He's just started taking me for granted I guess. After all it's been over two years now since we're together. I will talk to him about this, but later. Right now I just want to relax."

"Just keep an eye on him, honey. I don't want you to get hurt, that's all"

"You worry too much Rosie. It's fine, really."

"Okay then. I am sending you the address. See you soon."

"Yep, see ya!"

After about twenty minutes, I park my car near the club that Rosie and girls are at. I fix my hair and makeup and take a look at myself in rear view mirror one last time before leaving. But, I see a familiar face in the reflection.

I turn around and watch Greg with a blonde. What's he doing here? Ohh, they might be celebrating John's birthday here. But, who's that girl with him?

I decide to call out to him but before I can say anything, my voice gets stuck in my throat. My eyes nearly pop out as I watch Greg pull her closer into a kiss.

Before I understand how to react, they get inside his car and start leaving. My throat goes dry and my head spins, but my heart... it's already broken into a million pieces.

Is Greg cheating on me?

The thought seems revolting and my insides feel like they will come out of my mouth, along with everything else I ate today.

I text Rosie.

"Rosie, is John or anybody else from our class in there?"

I sit back in the car and wait for her response.

"No babe. But, I think I saw someone who looked a lot like Greg. I am not sure though, as I am already five drinks down."

So, she saw him too. That bastard!

I start my car and drive towards his place. I hope he has taken that girl there. I want to catch him red handed. I pull up outside his house and his car is parked outside. So, he's in there. I take the key to his apartment out from my bag and head inside his place, trying to be as quiet as possible. I have never used this key ever since he gave it to me an year ago, but I guess there's always a first to everything. And, probably last.

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