Let me love you

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After pouring out our hearts to each other and clearing all the lingering misunderstandings between us, Joy and I stay in each other's embrace, relishing our moments of pure bliss and peace.

Feeling his bare skin against my skin, his warm breath tingling over my neck and his strong hands around my waist remind me how homeless I felt all these days away from him. And, being back home here, close to his heart, in this cave that somehow always brings us closer every time, makes me secretly wish, that I never have to leave this place ever again.

It's amazing how a few days ago, I was convinced I will stay celibate my entire life if I don't find my one woman man. And, now here I am, craving to feel every inch of Joy's skin, taste every corner of his lonely lips and touch not just his body, but his soul. And, this is not just physical attraction, my heart craves for his smile, my ears crave for his voice, my eyes crave for his glimpse, and my soul craves for his happiness.

He brings a peace in my life that I never knew I lacked. He makes me want to break down all my walls and barriers, and live my life a little. He makes me want to forget all my stupid plans and dream of a forever with him. I want to forego all my inhibitions and grab whatever of himself Joy is willing to give me.

I know he has never seen a happy family life, never felt at home in his own house, and it makes me want to become someone he can come home to. Someone he can feel safe with, happy with and comfortable with. Someone who doesn't push him away, or judge him, or leave him alone. Someone he can think of calling his family someday.

But, maybe it is too soon. It is too soon to tell him how much I love him. How much I want to be with him. How much I want to scream and tell the whole world that I am his, and he is mine.

But, if he doesn't want to have a relationship with me yet, I won't rush it. I will be patient for him. I will wait until he is ready to commit, after all, this is all new to him right?

So, as long as I have his loyalty, as long as I have his heart, I don't need any labels.

I just need him close to me. All day. Everyday.

As if Joy can read my mind, his arms pull me into his chest tighter and he plants a long, lingering kiss on my forehead that makes butterflies dance in my stomach with excitement.

I lift my head up from his neck to look into his eyes, and his honey brown pupils, that look darker by a few shades, peek into my eyes like they can see my soul. His gaze flickers to my lips for a few seconds and when his eyes meet mine again, I see desire and longing in them, mirroring the raging emotions in my heart. I wrap my arms around his neck and he grabs me by my waist and pulls me closer, until our bodies collide and we are so close that our noses brush against each other.

"Faith..", he whispers with a voice full of promises.

"Yes, Joy," I whisper back, still looking into his magnetic eyes.

"Should we make this moment perfect?," he asks, making my heart flutter with excitement.

"Every moment with you is perfect, baby," I say as I lean closer to him and his lips momentarily curve into a smile before they finally lean closer and smash against mine with an urgency I have never felt before.

My eyes shut close as my lips taste the sweetest honey there could ever be in the whole wide world. His lips feel soft, yet firm; gentle, yet strong. The amount of passion, longing and desire that he pours into the kiss makes me feel breathless, and not just due to the lack of oxygen. I wrap my arms around his head tighter, as I pull him close, deepening the kiss, hoping I can at least show him what he means to me if I can't say it yet.

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