A Leap of Faith

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"Sweetheart, what are you thinking about?," Joy asks me after few lingering minutes of silence.

His left hand is continuously drawing meaningless yet soothing patterns on my back, while his right hand keeps playing with my fingers, caressing them up and down rhythmically or intertwining them absentmindedly, only to repeat the pattern. It is such a simple gesture, yet it makes my heart swell with a tsunami of emotions.

"I am thinking about making a short trip to the forest," I tell Joy, "our fruits are almost finished and we need more firewood."

That isn't complete truth though, but he doesn't have to know. He needs to rest, not worry about things I can handle.

"I don't want to let you go alone baby, I wish I could come too," he says after sighing heavily, "but I know you're brave, you will manage without me just fine."

I offer him a sweet smile as I try to assure him, "Yes I will Joy, and I won't go too deep into the woods."

He pulls me closer to his chest with his left hand, and places a soft peck on my forehead.

"Take care and come soon," he says and removes his arm from my back.

I kiss his cheek and get up from the floor of the cave as I say, "You try to sleep again okay, I'll wake you up when I am back."

He nods and smiles at me, then closes his eyes. I turn around and walk out of the cave, to be welcomed by the sun that rose just a few minutes ago. The wind is still cool and the sky is clear, so atleast the weather is in my favour today.

I hope everything else turns out in my favour too.

I reach the beach side, and continue walking towards the forest. My foot hurts less than yesterday, probably thanks to the medicine I applied earlier.

As I continue walking towards the forest, my mind begins to think of possible options for attracting attention of an airplane from the ground. I don't have my bag anymore, so there is nothing I can use from that. I can only use the natural things around me, that I'll get in this forest. I need to see my options, so I can build an idea around them.

After walking through the outer part of the forest and collecting enough fruits and firewood for a day, I begin my journey back to the cave.

Till now, the only raw materials I noticed are wood, leaves, fruits, rocks and sand. These are the only natural things around me.

So now I have to build a plan using these.

Starting with the basics, how can I get a person to notice me normally? By appealing to either their audio or visual senses, right?

But an airplane has it's own sounds and it's at quite some height, so audio is totally ruled out. So, I have to appeal to their visual senses. I have to think of something that they can see from this distance and that attracts their attention immediately. Like light.

I could use a batman style flashlight or something, but this isn't night and I have no flashlight. Bad idea, but atleast, I had one to begin with.

Hell, I don't even have a mirror, I could have done something with sunlight reflection if I had one. Not sure if I could have pointed it to the pilot's eyes from so far below though, but it would have been worth a try. I don't think I have my compact in my handbag either, it has a mirror, but I hadn't brought my make up to the party, so it's no use. Anyway, the bag is somewhere out there on the hill, and so is my cellphone inside it. The cellphone's  mirror finish rear could have been useful maybe. Argh... It's a lost cause, I need to think something else.

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