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"Hey babe!," Rosie squeaks in excitement, as she runs towards me. She bends down to hug me tightly, throwing her backpack next to mine.

"Hey Rosie," I say softly, still not sure how she's taking my ignorance for three days straight. I had requested her not to come over after the phone call with Joy and her, as I still needed some alone time to sort myself out.

"Look at you babe, all these dark circles under your eyes! Come let's get you ready before Joy comes, he should be here any time now, the cruise leaves in ten minutes," she says excitedly and tries to pull me up from my comfortable reading chair with the ocean view, to drag me towards the washroom.

"He has seen me worse babe, I had no make up all those days we were stuck there. I don't think he would mind watching some black under my eyes," I pull her towards the chair across from me and she sighs and sits on it.

"Fine, I give up. He adores you anyway, he's been missing you so bad I think his dark circles are going to be worse than yours. You guys are totally nut cases," she giggles and winks at me, making me smile instantly.

"Rosie, about earlier.. I am sorry I ignored you for so long, I know you were just worried about - ", I begin and she shuts me up.

"Keep your sorry to yourself, babe, I don't need it. And besides, I know you're not sorry. You will do it all over again if it comes to that. And I understand how you like dealing with your problems on your own, by distancing yourself from those who care about you. I have got used to it now. You became all distant ever since you found about Greg, and I don't mind it because it helps you cope. But, what you're doing to Joy isn't right Faith, he doesn't deserve to be shut out like that. You need to let him in, so you both can move past your problems and be happy together."

I let her words sink in. She wasn't angry because I ignored her. She was angry because I ignored Joy, because I became distant from him, just like I became distant from her and everyone else all those months ago.

She was angry with me, for me.

"I feel terrible, Rosie. I don't know what to do," I inform her, hoping she would know how to end this torture I keep doing to myself and others.

"Talk to him, babe. Tell him how you feel. Let him tell you how he feels. Be honest with him. Tell him your insecurities, your fears, your triggers. Listen to his insecurities and fears too. Build trust with him, babe. You know you can. With him, you can," she smiles at me lovingly and extends her hand to mine, giving me a gentle, reassuring squeeze.

I nod to her, and her smile grows wider.

"I just can't wait to see you both happy and clingy and lovey dovey!," she clasps her hands and says excitedly, making me chuckle.

"Faith...", I hear a deep, hoarse voice call out my name from behind me, making my smile disappear instantly.

I look around to find Greg standing behind me, his body language all nervous, his hands fidgeting with his own fingers, his jaw bruised on one side and his nose bandaged.
Did Joy really...?

I look towards Rose questioningly and she just grins and shrugs. I giggle internally. Oh my God!

So, Joy really did break his nose!

I turn back to Greg and notice his forehead is now sweaty and his face looks pained. Why is the smug look on his face missing?

I observe him silently, watching him open and close his mouth repeatedly, in an attempt to say something. After a few minutes of him not meeting my eyes and not saying anything, I start getting irritated.

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