Ignited Desires

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Warning: Contains MATURE content.



After a tiring day that involved forest excursions, picnic lunch under the cool forest shade and later, a camp fire night, Joy and I finally managed to escape to our cave, earning a few winks and giggles from our friends before we left.

As soon as we got out of everyone's eyes, Joy immediately pinned me to the hillside and kissed me so hard, so fast, I literally felt the air being sucked out of my lungs.

There was so much hunger, and desire in the way his lips devoured mine, nibbling and sucking them repeatedly. His delicious tongue darted into my mouth and its minty yet sweet taste, combined with his hurried ministrations, elicited an unabashed moan from me. He smiled against my lips approvingly, as his hands travelled down my sides, brushing gently and carefully, upwards and downwards, heightening my senses unimaginably. Then his hands finally rested on my waist, as he pulled me closer with a jerk, deepening our kiss and leaving me even more breathless, if that was even possible.

When we finally broke the kiss and I looked into his eyes, I felt like I was sucked into a whirlwind of overwhelming emotions.

"I missed you so fucking much," he said and pecked my lips again.

"But I was with you all day," I tried to mock protest, but I was enjoying this new side of him a bit too much.

"Yes, and with many others. I missed having you all to myself," he said and my heart did somersaults in my chest.

Yeah, me too, Joy.

"Let's go," he said and pulled me inside the cave.

Now here we are, lighting up a fire and getting ready to cuddle up and talk, as long as we can stay awake. The best time of the whole freaking long day.

"You want to change?," he suddenly turns towards me and asks me.

"I didn't bring a change of clothes today," I say and shrug, and he immediately grabs the hem of his t-shirt and removes it in one swift motion.

"You can wear this if you want sweetheart," he says sweetly but I politely decline. There's no reason to change anyway, my dress is extremely comfortable and wearing his shirt would certainly incite emotions in me that I would rather keep at bay till he's ready.

We lie down on the cave floor, my back gently pressed against his bare torso, his right arm under my head and left one wrapped around my waist. He snuggles closer to me as he buries his face in my neck, his warm breath fanning against my skin.

"Faith...", he whispers gently.

"Yes baby," I whisper back.

"I wanted to ask you something," he says hesitantly.

I try to turn around to face him, my heart starts thumping erratically in my chest, as a hundred ideas go through my head about what he may want to ask.

"Anything baby," I say gently, when he doesn't let me turn around despite multiple attempts.

Will he finally ask me to be his girlfriend? He didn't miss a chance all day to hold my hand and let anyone and everyone know we're together, so maybe he is ready to be official after all.

"I was wondering...," he begins and pauses, then sighs and begins again, "do you, ummm..."

"What is it, baby? You can ask me anything. Go on," I say encouragingly.

"I actually wanted to ask if you've ever, you know...", he pauses again and let's out a long breath. I hold his hand that's rested on my waist and pull it upwards, slowly kissing it.

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