Together we can

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After gathering enough fruits to last for the day, Joy and Faith start walking back to the shore. They can't be careless after hearing the herd of wild animals so close by today.

A large fire will be the best weapon to keep those animals at bay, so they decide to take back double firewood than last time.

Joy can still feel Faith's breath fanning his face, as she looked at him questioningly. He had held her so tightly against his body, almost afraid as if she would vanish somewhere. He didn't understand what took over him, he just felt an inexplicable urge to protect her, to ensure her safety, even if it put him at danger.

It was a strange feeling he had never felt before.


Faith too, is unable to understand why she clung to him as if her life depended on it. She has always hated the idea of depending on someone, and yet she didn't mind depending on him for comfort and for safety. She was okay with him wanting to protect her, to hold her, to almost kiss her.

It was a feeling she had never thought she would witness outside her books.


They walk silently for a while, then Joy breaks the silence, "I guess I scared you back there, didn't I?"

Faith grins back at him, "Of course you did. You should be glad I didn't bite your hand or something."

Joy turns his glance towards her and raises a brow amusingly, "I would expect better defense from a karate green belt like you."

She smiles nervously.

His amused expression transforms into a smirk as he continues, "Though I wouldn't mind you biting me either, and not just my hand."

He winks at her and turns his gaze back ahead.

Faith chuckles at his double meaning remark and shoves his arm, "You wish!"

He grins in response and both look ahead.

She quietly murmurs to herself, "If I could defend myself against a man almost double my body weight, I wouldn't just be a green belt even after so many months of training.."

Both get lost in their trains of thoughts when they discover a new route with familiar trees and shrubs on their way back. Eucalyptus, Neem, Banyan, Jasmine, Turmeric, Ginger, Mint etc. are scattered over a patch of forest. None of them are directly useful or edible, but it felt good to be able to find natural things that reminded them of a normal life back home. They collect a few leaves or roots from them, to see if they can somehow use them later.

Soon, they reach their spot on the shore and place their food, herbs and firewood on the ground. Then they sit down too.

Joy begins, "Faith, I think, we should avoid going deep into the forest in that direction in future. Maybe, we can try finding another, safer route to that stream."

Faith nods and adds, "Yeah, maybe we should try hiking that hill tomorrow. We'll get a better view of the island and the forest. We can decide accordingly which direction to take in future."

Joy shades his eyes from the sun overhead and looks towards the hill.

"Do you think we'll make it up there without any water? It gets really hot and the hike doesn't look so easy," he asks eyeing her.

She considers it for a moment and responds, "We will have to manage with juicy fruits, but we haven't picked enough to last us till tomorrow. We'll have to get extra tomorrow and then on the day after, we can start really early in the morning and try to reach on the top before noon. The walk downhill will be comparatively easier and quicker."

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