Epilogue: Destined

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Five years later


"Sweetheart, I am so sorry," I say desperately as I pull her into my arms and kick the door shut behind us.

My lips immediately find hers as I pour all my guilt and regret silently into the kiss, telling her how sorry I am for the pain I caused her. I heave a visible sigh of relief when she begins kissing me back. Her hands slip under my t-shirt and she leans closer, running her hands over my torso as if looking for an anchor to keep her from going away from me.

I pull back from the kiss and remove my shirt in one swift motion, as my hands begin undressing her dress. She beats me to it, and collapses into me, the warmth of the skin to skin contact making my aching heart soothe a little. I pull her into another kiss, this time harder, firmer, as every ounce of my longing for her flows into it.

"Please forgive me, love. I shouldn't have done what I did," I whisper while panting for breath, our lips only a hair's width apart.

She shakes her head, as her reddened eyes plead me to hold her closer, so that's what I do. I pull her snug into my body, not even leaving space for air between us.

"I shouldn't have lashed at you like that, and definitely not in front of them!," I whisper into her ears and she just hugs me back tightly.

I feel awful for acting the way I did, but with so much pressure of having both our families in the same room, of having to see my parents, especially my father after so many years, my brain just fogged and my common sense jumped out of the window. And the questions we were bombarded with were relentless, it was like they wanted us to crumble and fall apart. And, at some level, they actually succeeded, because this was the first major fight we had in five years of our togetherness.

Faith sucks in a deep breath as she lifts her head from my chest and looks into my eyes again, a whirlwind of emotions dancing in those midnight black beauties.

"I am sorry too, baby. I could have handled it better," she says as she tip-toes and places a soft kiss on my forehead gently.

"You were already handling their questions so well. I should have kept my mouth shut. I mean, it's your wedding, you have every right to want a small ceremony, unlike the extravagant affair I was planning on," I tell her sincerely.

Ever since I went down on my knee last month and proposed her for marriage, we had been putting off any planning for the wedding. Not intentionally though, we were too happy with the prospect of wedding to bother about the details.

The proposal was fabulous by the way, I was nervous as hell when I took her to the hilltop on a routine date night, she wasn't even expecting it. So, when we finally reached the hilltop and she stood there admiring the skyline of the city, I dropped to my knees and poured out my heart to her.

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