The Falls

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The stretch of beautiful blues spread across the horizon look more mesmerizing than anything I have ever seen. The blue of the ocean and the blue of the sky blur somewhere far away from our reach, but the tranquility they send to my soul is extremely overwhelming.

"It's beautiful," I say as I look over to Joy, who seems equally enchanted by the beautiful nature spread across our eyes.

"Yeah, it's just amazing," he adds immediately and squeezes my hand gently, that he's still holding in his own.

"Come let's check out the forest side," he says and we slowly walk towards the other edge.

Our eyes are met with a stretch of greenery spread across this side of the island, large trees hovering over and hiding the actual geography of the forest under them. There's no way we can spot the stream from up here. And, the forest looks dense from all the sides, it's definitely not worth it to try and venture inside unarmed.

Joy looks at me with a similar disappointed realization reflecting in his eyes. I had two strong hopes from this hike, and none of them worked in our favor. No city anywhere nearby in the direction we came from, and no human establishment anywhere in sight.

Disappointed? Yes.
Surprised? No.

I always had this possibility at the back of my mind, and atleast I am not unprepared for this mentally. I wanted to have some ray of hope to look forward to, but there is nothing we can hold onto yet. We can just continue focussing on survival for now.

I turn around and my eyes take in the hilltop again. It's like a small playground, with a few shrubs and trees scattered at a few places. I continue looking around until my eyes fall on the fourth end of the hilltop. There's one end we hiked up,  second has all ocean everywhere, that is the direction we came from, and third has all forest everywhere, followed again by ocean beyond it. But, what's on the fourth side?

Curiosity gets the better of me and I start walking slowly towards the fourth edge. My intuition tells me we'll definitely find something worthwhile this side. Something really crucial that will change things for us.

I walk barely a few steps when Joy reaches my side.

"Where are you going?," he asks curiously.

"The fourth side. Let's check that out too." I say.

He sighs, but nods and takes my hand again.

"I don't think there is anything except ocean that side too," he says.

"Yeah maybe, but we should still check, just in case," I reply, not telling him about my intuition.

As we near the fourth edge, we hear sounds of water falling with force. But, not like the normal waves everywhere else around the island. Stronger. Fiercer. Louder.

As soon as we reach near the edge, both our faces light up with happiness. So, this is where that stream meets the ocean.

A waterfall.

"Wow..", Joy looks at it with amazement.

"This is totally, unbelievably awesome," I add.

Joy looks at me with his eyebrows furrowed. I point towards the beach between this hill and the waterfall in front of us.

"Look, this beach here ends with the same stretch of rocks that begin on our usual side of the beach. If I hadn't found that cave to hide that day, I might have reached this side towards the waterfall already."


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