The Discovery

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I stand tall over the fallen beast of a human in front of me. My knuckles hurt from breaking his face and probably, his ribs too, though I am not sure about them. He is soaking in pool of his own blood now, but his devilish heart is still beating.

I wish I could kill him. I so damn want to break every little bone in his soulless body, slowly and painfully, and then feed him to hungry, wild animals. But, I just can't. I can't kill him because that would make me a monster too. Just like him. And, I don't want to be a monster.

My head is spinning, and my jaw is throbbing from the punch he landed on me, but this physical discomfort feels nothing compared to the anguish burning like fire inside me. The fire that was lit up by tears that fell one by one from Faith's beautiful midnight black eyes on her pale cheeks.

Damn it!

I feel so fucking awful. She had called me for help, screamed... and I thought I was dreaming? How stupid, Joy? How fucking lame and irresponsible?!

Now, how am I going to face her? Just yesterday, she said she felt safe beside me, and today, I let her down. I couldn't keep her safe. I was just a few yards away and I had no clue how much danger she was in.

I need to find her, comfort her, tell her how strong she is. She can't let this affect her.

But first, I need to do something about this monster. She won't have to see him, I won't even let his shadow come near her ever again.



"Where are you Faith?"

"Please come out sweetheart. It's safe now. I am here."


I scream her name out repeatedly but I don't see her. Her footprints stop where the spread of the rocks start, between the foothill and the ocean. She probably sped away while still jumping over these rocks.

That's one clever way to escape so that monster couldn't have found her if he had overpowered me.

Faith and her plans are so amazing.
Always thinking one step ahead.

I keep calling out her name as I jump over the rocks, the waves keep splashing over them every few seconds. This end of the hill slope is steep and rocky, unlike the other gradual one that faces our usual side of the beach. I keep hopping over rocks until I hear hushed sobs coming from somewhere.


The sobs stop.

Where is she? Why can't I see her?

"Faith.. Where are you? Can I come to you please? I need to see if you're okay."

I hear another muffled sob. My chest feels like it will explode with guilt.

"I promise no one will hurt you now, Faith. I took care of it."

I try to reassure her, but still get no response from her. Even the sobs are silent now.

"Please Faith, I am worried about you. I need to see you. Please let me see you." I try to plead with her.

"No.", I hear a feeble but determined voice coming from behind a huge rock that is practically the part of the foothill, except one small gap on the side that isn't visible until you look closer.

"Why not, Faith? It's just me here, nobody else."

I start walking towards the gap slowly, not wanting to startle or scare her.

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