The Dawn of the Inevitable

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Warning: Contains mature content, mild swearing and hints of adultery.



Darkness. Blinding darkness. Like a tunnel without any light at the end. Like a pitch black cloud without any silver lining. No light could survive in this darkness, because it can engulf every ray of hope like a black hole.

All of a sudden, there are noises. Hushed noises, and whispers. Moans. They come from the adjacent room. Father's room.

Not again.

I heard these noises every time my mother went away alone on a business trip. Every time, my father brought home some new business friend who stayed the night and disappeared the next morning, never to be seen again.

I wasn't dumb like my father thought. I knew what was happening behind those closed doors, especially because they never kept it down. So one day, I burst out in anger in the middle of the night. Those noises bothered me. Ate my insides. 

After the outburst, the voices became mostly hushed, but they were still there.

I tried telling mom about it. But, to quote her, "She's too busy in her professional and social life to care about what foolish things my father does behind her back."

That was the last time I talked civilly to her. To father, I never spoke after the outburst. I am tired of them, of the excuse of a family they are. All they care about is money, reputation and business. Never me.

The voices keep going, getting louder with every passing minute. I try to bury my head in a pillow, to cover my ears with both hands, to drown myself in some vague thoughts, but nothing works. I am on the verge of exploding again. I don't want to create another scene. But, most importantly, I don't want to see his evil face again.

My breathing becomes heavy and my head starts spiralling. I want to scream. Scream so loud that all the voices I hear drown in it. But, I can't scream. My throat is dry, my voice feels like a whisper and my limbs are numb. I start shaking, and then suddenly I feel a powerful jolt.


I wake up, startled, panicked and breathless. My forehead is covered with sweat and my hands are still shaking.

The same nightmare again. After so many years.

It was a frequent one in childhood, but I hadn't seen it since a few years now.

I look around, trying to find something to distract myself. It's almost dawn, the black sky has started turning blue in the farthest corner, but sun isn't out yet. I turn towards Faith, hoping she would still be asleep. I am shocked to see she isn't there.

I see the trail of her footsteps going towards the corner of the beach where we bathed and dried clothes yesterday. That's when my eyes fall on her.

She is sitting on a rock, with her face towards the ocean and back towards me. She is wearing a red bra and matching panties. Her bra seems to have some detachable strings that she is wearing as a halter neck, revealing her bare back.

Every inch of the skin exposed on her body looks sexy and inviting. She is so hot.


I feel tingles in my fingers from the thoughts of how her skin would feel against them, how soft she would be, how my skin will glide against her bare skin.

She looks lost in her thoughts as she begins humming a soft melody. I can't hear it clearly under the crashing sound of the waves, but it seems to soothe my senses. I am not shaking anymore, my breathing is normal, but my heart, my heart is beating like crazy.

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