Skinny Dipping

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I get up from her side and make my way towards the water. I really need to get out of these wet, clingy clothes asap.

As soon as I start walking, I hear her shuffling behind me. I turn to see she has already turned to the other side, with her back towards me. She brought her knees closer to her face and rested her chin on it, staring into the vast nothingness spread across the forest.

I have stripped down to my boxers now, and she seems to be lost in a world of her own. I put her scarf down on a large rock near the shore, and put a smaller one above it, so the wind doesn't blow it away. It is a soft, cotton scarf, having a shade of blue that resembles the color of the ocean waves crashing on the beach.

As I get out of my boxers, my mind replays her words again.

"I won't look as well, I promise."

I was almost surprised by her words. After all, why would I mind if she looks. She's too cute to think I would.

Me looking at her though, I know for a fact she would more than just mind. So, I would rather not do anything stupid to upset her.

I can almost guarantee that the idea of anything sexual to do with me totally disgusts her.

I don't understand why though? I've never met a woman who felt that way about me before. She's a first. Others I've met always found me irresistible.

But, I won't hold it against her. We're stuck in this situation, so we have to work together through it, in order to make it back alive. There's always more fish in the sea. For me, it's a whole ocean out there, I just can't wait to swim in it once I go back.

I squeeze my jersey and my white t-shirt that I wore under it as I spread it to dry on the rocks. Followed by my jeans, boxers and socks. I put small, clean rocks above them to ensure they stay in place.

Then I turn towards the vast ocean and keep walking till I am shoulder deep in it. Waves after waves wash away the dirt and sand from my naked skin. The coolness of the water against the scorching sun shining above makes me feel alive. The water is clean here, not like the chemical and sewage laden water at the beaches in the city.

Yep, we definitely are quite far away from the city.

I close my eyes, hold my breath and take a dip in the water. As soon as my head pops back out, my eyes fall on her again. She is still looking into the forest, as if waiting for someone to come out and end our misery.

Her words replay in my head again.

"I think you should take a bath first Joy. No need to wait for so long. Here, take my scarf."

She is something I can't really wrap my head around. She is disgusted by me, but she is also concerned about me?

She definitely isn't the cold, selfish, heartless bitch she tries to act like, when she thinks every man is a monster in disguise.

She is undoubtedly smart and intelligent, after all not everybody carries emergency stuff in a handbag to a party. And she even saved us a trip to the forest after sunset with her farsightedness. Who knows what animals are in there, anyway?

She is also sassy and confident. Not as sassy as me though.

She rejected my offer to pleasure her, twice. She sure knows how to stand up for herself and put her point across. And, not to forget, she unapologetically interrupted my washroom encounter last night.

But, what confuses me the most about her is, despite all of this, why is she so uncomfortable in starting a conversation about something as basic as taking a bath? Even after I clearly dropped a hint in the forest about needing dry clothes, she didn't say a word about it.

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