Waiting for a miracle

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It's been a few hours since Joy fell asleep. It's crazy how this one night changed everything between us. From pushing him away, to almost losing him forever, to sleeping in his arms, we've come a long way.

It is the best feeling in the world, lying in the arms of someone who treats you like his world. Everything about this is perfect, I don't even understand why I was so afraid of this. Why was I running away from this? I belong here, in his arms that feel like home.

As amazing as I feel right now, I can't help but worry about Joy's well being. He still keeps hissing and whimpering in his sleep. I know he is trying to be brave, but it can't change the fact that he badly needs painkillers and professional medical care. We desperately need to get out of this place and get him help. We can't just sit back and hope for the best anymore.

I need to do something. Something that can improve our chances of going back.

I need to come up with some plan. 

Our only hope so far has been that plane we saw. But how do we get the attention of the pilots or passengers from so far below over here. We might just look like tiny excited dots that are waving to them.

There was also that other horrible man that showed up the other day. Should I try finding him? To know how he reached here or if he knows some way back. Maybe he can help us?

But would Joy let me leave to go find him? Will that guy help me or...

No, it doesn't seem like a good idea to reach out to him. If he finds out Joy is injured, he might try to attack me again.

No, no, I need to stop inviting more trouble. I'll just ask Joy his opinion when he wakes up tomorrow. Right now, I should think of a plan to get noticed by the aeroplane people.

I keep thinking and thinking and thinking, but nothing clicks. No ideas at all, not even bad ones. Just blank. I probably just need some rest, I'll think about it with a fresh perspective tomorrow.

I close my eyes, and instantly, sleep takes over me.


I was dreaming of a breathtakingly beautiful, private yet exquisite beach side wedding.. when I got jolted out of my sleep by Joy's clattering teeth and shaky hands around me. I guess, bitter reality will never stop shattering my beautiful dreams.

His arm feels really warm around me, and I instinctively touch his forehead, and immediately recoil when I find that it is burning hot. He has a severe fever.


I hope this isn't something serious. His wounds are practically exposed, no proper disinfection or stitches are possible here, and God knows how this crocodile bite will affect his body. Could he get a skin infection? A blood infection? Or worse, septic?

We're practically back to caveman age here, even a minor infection could turn lethal. I can't take any risks. I need a plan, desperately.

I immediately jolt up from my position, accidentally waking up Joy in the process.

"What happened sweetheart?," he asks me in his sleepy, yet shaky voice laced with pain as well as concern.

"You have a fever Joy, just stay here, I'll be back in a jiffy," I say as I pick up the torn half of my scarf and dash out to wet it.

When I return, I notice Joy has fallen asleep again. His breathing is faster than usual, but he doesn't seem to be dreaming of anything.

I gently take his head in my lap as I place the wet scarf over it. I run my fingers in his soft, silky hair, as I try to reassure myself...

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