Binding Together

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"What's with the strange weather here?", I say irritatedly.

"I know right, one moment it's warm and sunny, and next, there's a whole thunderstorm out of nowhere.", Faith says, equally irritated.

The sudden change in the weather has made the sky dark sooner than usual and the winds are blowing stronger than ever. Thank God we found this cave, or we would have been good as dead outside in this weather.

"I'll start the fire. It's getting really chilly and I can't see clearly", I tell her and reach towards the firewood.

In less than five minutes, the fire is lit up and I sit by it, warming myself up. I turn towards Faith to call her to join me and find her huddled up in a corner, head buried in her hands, over her knees.

"Come join me Faith, fire will help you dry up quickly."

"I am fine here," she says without looking up.

I sigh.

What's her problem? Why can't she just be a normal, carefree person for once? And, why do I have to care so much?


She just keeps torturing herself all the time.

"No you're not fine, Faith. You'll catch cold. Now come here, or I'll have to come and get you."

She's really testing my patience all the time and it will run out sooner or later. I have been really patient with her these few days and it's really unlike me. She brings out a new side of me that never existed before and makes me do things I never thought I was capable of. I really don't know what's happening to me. She clearly doesn't intend to loosen up around me anytime soon and it's driving me so crazy for God knows what reason.

She raises her head from her hands and looks at me with a questioning look on her face.

"What? You're tormenting yourself by staying wet in this terrible weather and I am not going to let you do it. Just come near the damn fire. Now."

She looks at me like I asked her for her kidney. Then she shakes her head and finally gets up.

My throat goes dry and my heart races million miles per second as I take in the mesmerizing sight in front of me. She looks so... wow.

Her wet scarf dress hugs her body, perfectly showing off her sexy curves. The translucent fabric reveals her perfect skin tone under it, leaving too little to imagination. Her front is covered by her crossed arms but I can't help but wish she moves them away, even if for a second.

And, this damn scarf... God, it's going to be the death of me. Her red dress hugged her body too, but it did no justice to her beauty. It's no match to this drenched scarf.

My eyes travel every inch of her sexy body. The way tiny droplets fall from her beautiful black hair down her shoulders, the way her long, sexy legs walk every step towards me, the way her hands shake lightly every few seconds, everything makes me want to run to her, envelop her tightly in my embrace and do things that make her so wet, and so warm that she never feels cold again.

She comes near the fire and settles down next to me. The light orange glow of the fire illuminates her face, making her look more beautiful than ever.

I can't take my eyes off her for even a second. All I can think about is leaning towards her and pulling her dry lips into a wet, passionate kiss. My heart flutters at the thought.

She looks at me momentarily and looks back at the fire again. I can't help but notice a crimson tinge to her cheeks. Is she blushing?

Ohh God?! Have I been gawking at her all this time? Shit. I hope she didn't catch me checking her out unabashedly.

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