Witnessed By The Waves: Part 2

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Warning: Contains EXPLICIT MATURE content. Not suitable for young audience. Reader's discretion is advised.

AN: Check out the song in the thumbnail, it's beautiful <3



Have you ever felt like your useless, monotonous, excuse of a life has suddenly turned into an unbelievable, mystically magical fairytale?

Well, that's how I feel tonight, as I twirl and swirl around in Joy's arms happily, as he hums the tune of my new favourite song.

"Everything I do, I do it for you"

With every split second of every passing moment, I melt into him more and more, as the world around us ceases to exist. The well planned, well timed, flying lanterns are forgotten, our confessions have already become beautiful memories, and the promise rings are now inseparable parts of our bodies. But, the night still goes on and on, as we laugh at our silly dance moves, make fun of each other's horrible music notes, and yet, fall deeper into love with each other all over again. The smallest words, the simplest touches, the sweetest actions, bringing us closer to each other than ever before. Like we were never apart, like we were always together, like our souls have always belonged to each other, known each other since eternity.

Finally, when we get tired of our giggles and dances, we sit down on the beach to catch a breath.

"So my dear girlfriend, can I take you out on a date tonight?," Joy asks out of the blue, catching me by surprise.

"Date? Here?," I raise a suspicious eyebrow at him as I try to bite my chuckle.

"Yes, sweetheart. Would you like to go on a date with your boyfriend?," he asks, stressing on the b word, with the most beautiful, heart stopping smile I have ever seen, which makes my heart skip multiple beats at once.

"Of course, my love, it'll be a pleasure," I say as I decide to play along with him. I mean, how could he take me on a date here on this deserted island?

He immediately gets up and holds out a hand for me to take. I grab it and he pulls me up. We walk arm in arm towards the edge of the beach that directly faces the waterfall. The one where we lied down after the first bath we took together. The water reflects the starry, moonless sky, making this edge slightly less darker than the large rocks on the side.

"Just wait here," Joy says and starts walking towards those dark rocks.

"Okay, but be careful, it's really dark that side," I tell him and hear him humming in response.

I divert my attention to the beautiful waterfall in front of me and almost wish we could have come here during the day, so we could make more beautiful memories under the gushing, falling water.

My thoughts are broken by Joy clearing his throat besides me. I was so busy adoring the waterfall, I didn't even realize when he returned. When he finally has my complete attention, he takes a step aside, revealing rocks, that to my utter surprise, aren't dark anymore.

Instead, the centre most rock is covered by what looks like a white bedsheet, and on top of it, are two beautiful candles lit up to create the ambience of a candle light dinner. There are two wine glasses next to it, along with a champagne bottle, and two bowls, probably containing some food. Beside this makeshift table rock, are two smaller rocks next to each other, both covered by similar sheets.

Wow! He really planned a date for us tonight?

My heart melts at the beautiful sight and my eyes tear up with the realization that he really did everything possible to make this night truly special for us, just like he promised. I feel overwhelmed, but the smile on my face is unfaltering and unstoppable.

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