Witnessed by the Waves: Part 1

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Today is the last day of our island trip. A day full of games, dance, karaoke, endless banter and fun! But, none of it interests me, at least not as much as the thoughts of the impending night.

Hundreds of excited butterflies are partying in my stomach constantly - dancing to the music of my heart running a marathon. Every time I look at Joy or catch him looking at me, a strange rush of anticipation and excitement bubbles through me.

I feel like a shy, blushing schoolgirl all over again, smiling at myself as I think of Joy's promises for tonight. And he has been different today too, all smiles and laughs.

Whenever he is around me, he either holds my hand or my waist absentmindedly, or kisses my forehead sweetly. He also passes teasing smiles at me, whenever he catches me getting lost in my dreamland, or tickles me whenever we are alone. It is almost like he can't keep his hands to himself, and I love this feeling of basking in his warmth and proximity all day. His touch is really soothing to my soul and my nerves relax instantly when he holds me close to himself.

He looks strangely content, and happy today. And it makes me so much more happier to see him this way. This should be him, every waking moment of every single day, and I will make this my personal agenda to ensure he always stays happy this way.

As the evening keeps drawing closer, I am growing more nervous and edgy. Every time my mind wanders off into the what-can-go-wrong territory, he knowingly squeezes my hand tightly. It's like he can read my mind, he just looks at me with his reassuring smile and all my baseless fears vanish into thin air. He hasn't been nervous all day, or maybe he's doing a better job at hiding it, I don't really know.

But, I know one thing, as long as I have him by my side, everything else will fall into place eventually.

We'll be together and happy.



Faith's nervous.

I just can't believe my sweet, brave Faith is so damn nervous, she can't stay still for even one long minute. But she's doesn't seem scared nervous, more like excited nervous. She's been stealing glances at me all day, when she thought I wasn't looking and then kept smiling to herself. And God, she looks so beautiful when she blushes, I just wish I could dive straight inside her mind to find out what thoughts have her so worked up. I think it's most likely related to how tonight will unfold for us, and thinking about it makes my heart race faster too.

After taking our bond to a new level last night, and feeling her so close, so content and so relaxed against me, as we cuddled till dawn, skin to skin, only small fabrics separating us, heavenly is a small word to define the magnitude of what I felt.

My soul felt at ease, at home, for the first time in life. I could feel all my inhibitions and fears evaporate as I realized I finally found my salvation, my damnation, my happiness, my everything.

Watching her sleep peacefully in my arms, her warm breaths against my chest, her soft lips curving into adorable smiles as she slept a deep sleep, I realized this is what I have always ached for: Love.

I love her.

I love her so damn much, it is impossible to keep these overwhelming feelings bottled up anymore. I have known for a long time now that I love her, but now, I just can't hide it.

After our passionate night full of ignited desires, after she broke down my walls with her love and care, after she understood my fears of intimacy and tried to keep my needs above her own, after she read me like an open book and appreciated every word of it, it's impossible to not embrace our bond wholeheartedly.

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