Finally found you

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"Good morning, handsome," she says in her morning, raspy voice that pulls me out of my sleep instantly. The warmth oozing from her body pressed against mine makes me suddenly aware of every inch of my skin. Her fingers softly play with my hair, soothing me and torturing me at the same time.

"Good morning, beautiful," I say as I open my eyes to watch her beautiful morning face, her eyes adoring me with a sparkle in the midnight pitch black of her irises. Her enticing lips curve into a sweet smile, before she leans in and places a soft peck on my lips, that quickens my heartbeat instantly.

"We should go back before the sun rises, it's almost dawn," she says and pulls away.

"I wish we could just lay in here all day," I sigh and look towards the cave opening to watch the morning light coming in.

"Me too," she whispers almost inaudibly and snuggles closer to me. I shift a little to let her rest her head on my chest as I wrap an arm around her waist and kiss her forehead.

"We'll come here again tonight, yes?," I ask her hopefully and she nods her head against my chest silently.

We lay in comfortable silence for a few minutes, until we hear morning sounds coming from the nearby forest.

"Time to go, sweetheart," I tell her and we both get back up. We change back into our clothes from last night and come out of the cave, hand in hand.

We begin walking towards the tents slowly and reluctantly. As the distance keeps reducing, Faith's grip on my hand keeps getting tighter.

I turn to look towards her and watch her biting the inside of her cheek as her eyes are lost staring at nothing. I stop and turn towards her to face her.

"Is something wrong?," I ask her and she gives me a surprised look, to which I respond, "You seem lost somewhere."

She shakes her head and gives me a warm smile.

"Nothing baby, I was just thinking about how I can get my phone back. It's somewhere on the other side of this hill, in my handbag."

Right, her handbag.

"Don't worry, I'll figure something out," I tell her and she shakes her head immediately.

"No way, Joy. You're not cleared for climbing yet. Let's just forget about it, I'll buy another one with my next salary," she says and my heart swells with love and pride.

I lean in closer to her and rest my forehead on hers, as I say, "You're so fucking inspiring, you know. I am definitely going to go back and get myself a part time job too. It's time I stop depending so much on my money minded family and show them how little money actually matters to their son."

She smiles sweetly at me as she says, "Do whatever your heart says, Joy. I'll always support you." My heart warms instantly at her simple, yet deep words.

"And about your phone, we'll figure something out together, okay?," I ask her and she nods instantly.

"Hey there, lovebirds," says an excited Rosie from behind me, making both me and Faith startle.

I turn around and watch a grinning Ace standing in some distance and a running Rosie coming towards us.

"Hey there, Rosie," I say back as she finally reaches us and crushes Faith in a bear hug.

God, these both are so adorable.

"So, come on, spill quickly," Rosie says to Faith excitedly and Faith blushes instantly.

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