Chapter 10

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"Dolores Umbridge has been appointed to the post of Hogwarts High Inquisitor"

Watching Filch posting the new notice on the wall, everyone has a feeling that this can't be good.

"Her desire to control..." Jessie says as she looks at the boards on the wall. It feels like the time when she was under her mum's control.

"Inspirational." Fred says and crosses his arms. They must be the top haters of Umbridge.

"Come on aren't you going to show me the fireworks?" Jessie says and pulls the twins to the courtyard.

"We need you to try it." George says as he grabs Jessie's small palm and gently pours out the "fireworks seeds" into it. "They need to be activated."

"By powdery substance I suppose." Jessie looks at the seeds in her palm. "Have you tried Dragon horn powder?"

"We wouldn't ask you to have your case with you if we have that." Fred pats on her shoulder and says as if he really knows what to add in the seeds.

"I bet you didn't know what to add before I said so." Jessie gently pushes him, "Having too much confidence is the key to failure. Haven't you met Umbridge?" She grins and enters her suitcase to get the powder.

"Alright this should be not explosive if it's of the right amount..." She carefully scoops out a teeny tiny bit of the powder and sprinkles some on one seed. Smoke suddenly bursts out and the seed has become a sizzling spark.

"This is so fun-" Jessie pets the spark on her hand gently. It doesn't hurt her skin at all despite its sizzling sound and flaming appearance.

"You're not gonna name it something are you?" George grins and looks at Jessie.

"It's so cute! I'm naming it Umbridge-"

"Throw that trash away!" They both exclaim.

She throws it to George then he tosses it to Fred. This fun act has attracted a crowd of bored students nearby to come to watch.

Within 20 seconds, a pink object called Umbridge has suddenly appeared,  extinguishing it with her wand pointing at it

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Within 20 seconds, a pink object called Umbridge has suddenly appeared,  extinguishing it with her wand pointing at it.

"This is a school, not a circus." Umbridge says with her brightest and most disgusting smile on her face. "Those, I'm afraid, will be confiscated." She takes away the suitcases with "WW" written on and the shriving boxes the twins brought to the courtyard

"We meet again, Miss Kenwood." She stares at Jessie sincerely, until she realises the magical suitcase next to her.

"Anything else you would like to say, professor?" Jessie says calmly though she knows Umbridge has spotted her suitcase. She would definitely take that too if she's panicking.

"...You better watch out Miss Kenwood," she walks to Jessie. "You may not want to imagine how severe the consequences can be posing danger to every each of our student here thus, violating the Ministry's regulations." She then leaves with a typical psychopath's smile.

"She hates me." Jessie looks at her back. "Damn, it must be the Cornelius thing." She realises she has totally not paid attention to how rude she was last time.

"You do better watch out not to make her mad again." George pushes Jessie's head. He doesn't mind being punished, but not for Jessie. Knowing Umbridge would actually punish people heavily, he clearly doesn't want it to happen to her.

"Hogwarts will be a circus as long as she's here." George crosses his arms.
"HAHAHAHHAHA I cannot agree more." Jessie bursts into laughter. "That's a good one, Georgie."

A sense of acheivement has instantly flowed inside George's body seeing Jessie laughing hard. The main point is that Jessie has started normalizing disrespect over teachers, looks like she's grown, more grown to be cheekier and funnier. She instantly looks happier, which also excites him.

"Don't worry you can always do them inside." Jessie whispers to Fred while carrying her suitcase seeing his unsatisfied aura. "As long as we keep it well. I will kill you if you make her take it, you know how important it is to me."

"That Augustus?"
"Heard his name more than your father's."

She hesitates for a second and stares at him, nearly forgetting it's a joke.

Soon, the Weasley products are officially banned together with thousands of new policies imposed. Hogwarts is no longer like before. Umbridge has even nearly fired Trelawney and banished her from Hogwarts.

"That foul old evil, gargoyle." Ron says in the common room. The golden trio is thinking about their countermeasures towards Umbridge's ridiculous system.

"She's taking over the entire school." Hermione says angrily as she looks outside the window.
"He's really out there isn't it. We're got to be able to defend ourselves."

She then turns to Harry.
"And if Umbridge refuses to teach us how, we need someone who will."

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