Chapter 35

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"Bloody hell..." Ron exclaims while getting up from the floor. They have fallen into this creepy dark room from meters high. Luckily Hermione's cushioning charm has saved them all from being crashed into pieces. It's the Department of mysteries.

"Those voices..." Harry stands up and walks towards the weird looking archway.
"Can you tell what they're saying?" There are voices and whispers coming from the archway. Silk-like substance suspending in the air is adding even more suspicion.

"...There aren't any voices, Harry." Hermione says to him. Why is he hearing things she can't hear again? "Let's get out of here."

"I can hear them too." Luna walks towards Harry.

"... Please, don't do this to me! Do it to Noah-"

"...No." Jessie gasps and opens her eyes wide and steps back from the archway.
The lingering voices enlace her mind like a snake slowly wrapping around her neck tightly.
She helplessly kneels down at once covering her ears with her trembling hands as hard as she can. She's nearly heard something she would never want to hear again.

Realising this, George immediately kneels down beside her and checks her out.

"What's that?" He asks and pats on her head.
"Stand away from that..."
"What did you hear?"

She immediately shakes her head with her tears held back. She does not want to talk about it.
But George is sure about the voices heard from the archway have something to do with the dead ones they've seen, as only Luna, Harry and Jessie can hear it and they are the only ones who can see Thestrals.

"Harry please!!" Hermione desperately wants to leave.

"...Get behind me!!" Harry suddenly yells and takes his wand out. The death eaters are after them. There are suddenly black smokes chasing them, who all brace themselves on the floor. Once the smoke is gone, Harry stands up and realises he's the only one left in the centre of the room. They've got them all except Harry, threatening him to hand out the prophecy.

"Hand me the prophecy," Lucius walks towards Harry with an evil smile, "or watch your friends die."

They all know Harry won't let his friends suffer, this is yet to be the best way to make him give in.
"Don't give it to him, Harry!" Neville shouts and is shushed by Bellatrix right away.

"Just you wait, Jessie Kenwood." Athena horrifyingly whispers right into Jessie's ear. She can hardly breathe in her greatest fear with her neck being grabbed tight, knowing there's nothing she can escape from and this is the punishment she deserves being one of the criminals. They don't even know it. It's all over now. Can't believe her life of freedom has come to an end in less than 2 years.

"Did you really think mommy wouldn't go after her own child?" She continues to whisper in a tone of a psychopath and strokes her hair, giving Jessie chills all over the body.
Having been hearing Athena's words to Jessie, George has no idea how to take that. He can't be more confused.

Looking at everyone who is being pointed with evil wands, Harry hands out his prophecy after a little hesitation. He cannot watch his friends die. But ehat will happen if they have Harry's prophecy?

At the moment while Lucius proudly admires the prophecy, there's suddenly bright light blasting behind him. It's Sirius!

"Get away from my godson."

"Wow." The twins say at the same time.

A battle has started again, the dark is now greeted with the light

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A battle has started again, the dark is now greeted with the light. Lupin, Shacklebolt, Tonks and Madeye are here. The death eaters quickly release the students and fight them. This is probably Snape who has informed the Order. George immediately runs to Jessie and hold her hands, she can't see a thing afterall.

"Knew it." Fred whispers to himself seeing George going for Jessie without even looking at him once.

Three of them hide behind a rock with Lupin's help. They can't quite go out yet as they're all blasting one another.

While running around, Lucius accidentally breaks the prophecy. Everything is gone, he thinks. He has failed his mission and his Dark Lord must be so disappointed.

Hit with the sudden ache on her chest, Jessie grabs George's hand even harder, putting her trembling hand in her bag to look for something. Seeing this, George quickly gets the 'heart attack drink' for her, there's probably no one other than them both who can recognize the bottle.

"Heartbroken are you?" Fred tries to joke and lighten up the atmosphere.
Lupin looks at the currently panting Jessie, having no idea she has this problem. She must have been so frightened seeing her mother, but he's actually no calmer than her seeing his ex wife.

"You're okay?" Lupin finally speaks after some hesitation.
Jessie replies with a nod while leaning on George's shoulder.
"Shouldnt be deadly I suppose." George says and strokes her hair.

At this moment, Jessie realises Lupin has an aura of fear surrounding him, finding out he's been thinking about her mother.
Jessie's looking has caught Lupin's attention, he immediately shuts down his thought to keep Jessie's legilimency away.

This is yet to be an awkward moment. They look at each other then look away. Why mother? Does he know her? His thought although seems suspicious, but Jessie is soon distracted by a sudden wave of instinct. Someone's in grave danger.

She suddenly stands up and yells towards the fighters.
"Watch out-"

"Avada Kedavra!"

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"Avada Kedavra!"

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