Chapter 32

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"What??" Hermione and Ron starts chasing Harry, who suddenly starts running.

"Where exactly are we doing??" Ron asks as he runs.
"They got him. They've got Sirius."
"They want my prophecy. I saw it, just like when I saw Mr Weasley's attack."

Harry has just got a vision. He saw Sirius being tortured by Voldemort because he wouldn't give him Harry's prophecy.

"I'm going to the ministry. Umbridge's office floo network can still be used." All the exits except Umbridge's are under surveillance. It's the only way they can get to the ministry. They quickly break in and are about leave.


It's Umbridge.

She pushes Harry down to a chair and the Slytherins start getting in. They've got Ginny, Neville and Luna too.

"You wete going to Dumbledore, weren't you?"
"LIAR!" She slaps Harry's face hard, thinking he's lying.

"You wete going to Dumbledore, weren't you?""No-""LIAR!" She slaps Harry's face hard, thinking he's lying

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"You sent for me, headmistress?" Snape is here.
"Snape, yes. The time has come for answers. Whether he wants to give me or not." She says with her high pitched voice. "Have you brought the Veritaserum?"

"I'm afraid you've used all my stores interrogating students. The last of it on Miss Chang."

Harry instantly looks at Hermione in shock, Umbridge really used it on Cho.

"I cannot help you."
"Oh well..."

"He's got Padfoot!" Harry suddenly says before Snape leaves the room, telling Snape something Umbridge doesn't understand. Padfoot is actually Sirius.
"He's got Padfoot at the place where it's hidden."

Snape looks at Harry with a slightly serious face.

"What is he talking about, Snape??"
"...No idea."

"Perhaps, only the cruciatus curse ought to loosen your tongue." She sighs after Snape has left her office.

"...That's illegal!!"
"Not if Cornelius doesn't know." Umbridge says and covers the minister's photo. She is going to cast the cruciatus curse towards Harry so he will tell the truth about what they're up to.

"Tell her Harry!!" Hermione suddenly shouts.
"...Tell me what??"
"Dumbledore's secret weapon."

The others look at her in puzzle. What's she talking about? Why do they not know it?

"Where is it?"
"...If you would follow me, headmistress." She says while looking at Harry.
"Very well," she puts down her wand towards Harry.
"Keep an eye on them." Umbridge says to the Slytherin before leaving with Harry and Hermione.

"You know what? I think we should probably go find them. We wouldn't know if they're even being poisoned now."

Jessie jokingly says to the twins on the other side if the castle. "I'll go grab something first, just in case."

They then head to Pomfrey's office.

"I knew someone would come after such a blast! Where did you get hurt-"
"Sorry to bother you, Madam Pomfrey. I think I might need to grab something in my suitcase." Jessie kindly says to her and points at her suitcase.

"What do you even need??" Fred yells down to the suitcase as they're waiting for Jessie to 'grab something'.

"My emergency supplies." She comes out with a small crossbody bag with stuff inside.

"...Did we just start a war?" George asks Fred while they're looking for them.
"I hope not." Jessie stares at them before she stops at Umbridge's office. The door isn't closed.

"Here they are." She breathes deeply.
"...Little cockroach isn't here?" George asks hearing no Umbridge's voice.
"...Are we breaking in?" Jessie hesitates and looks into her bag.

"Of course, what's it with your emergency supplies then." Fred replies in no time.
"Right." She gently pushes the door.

"Oi! What'ya doin' here?!" Goyle yells. They have their eyes wide open seeing 3 of them. Do they just come into the cage by themselves??

"Umbridge told us to come, in case you weren't informed." Fred crosses his arms.
"She told us to keep an eye on you keeping an eye on them." George replies.

"You know what you're talking about??" Crabbe yells. Everyone looks at them in shock.

"I know right? She's out of her mind. Oh yeah, one thing." Jessie gradually walks towards Malfoy, who's currently avoiding her eye contact with reasons they all don't know, then turns back to Goyle.

"Umbridge told me to ask you guys to clarify this..." She hints the other slytherins to come and pretends she's looking for something in her bag. Though they hesitate a bit at first but then they gradually release Jessie's friends and come to form a circle to check out the things to be clarified.

"If I catch you messing around, you all are getting into-"

Jessie suddenly pulls out a bottle and sprays some liquid all over to them with her face covered with her arm and elbow.

"Woah-" All of the others step back watching Jessie do the spraying. To their surprise, the Slytherins instantly faint and falls down on the floor.

"Blimey what did you do??" Ron exclaims.
"Bloody hell, Ron- I nearly inhaled some now just now." Jessie pants and pokes at the Slytherins to make sure they won't wake up. She nearly messed up the bottles when she sprays at them.

"What was that?" Ginny asks.
"Concentrated sleeping draught."
"Genius." George smirks.

"Where are Harry and Hermione?" Jessie realises they're not here.
"They went to show Umbridge something. I totally didn't know what they're up to." Ginny replies.

"Why don't we get out of here first?" Jessie shakes her head seeing the sleeping Slytherins on the floor. They are not pretty at all.

"Harry says they've got Sirius." Ron says as they're all running out to the other side of Hogwarts. "Have you got the vision too?"

Right after Ron finishes his line, they're suddenly greeted with Harry and Hermione in the opposite direction.

"How'd you get out??" Hermione asks them.
"Someone pulled out a prank." George smirks and pats on Jessie's shoulder.

"...That's very rare of you?" Hermione is surprised.

"Harry, what are you going to do?" Jessie asks seriously.
"I need to find Sirius."
"Harry, this may be a trap-"
"Hermione, he's the only family I've got left."
"Did you see the scene too, Jessie?"

"No." Jessie is very worried about whether Harry's vision is true or not. "I don't feel like it's the truth-"

"Am I supposed to let him die??"
"...I'm going with you then." Jessie says firmly, knowing well that there's nothing that can change his mind. She understands how important Sirius is to him, so she wouldn't want to stop him too much just in case that's real.

"No, I'm going alone-"
"You listen here," Jessie grabs his arm tightly with a serious tone, "either you don't go at all, or we're going together."
She needs him to understand the importance of team work.

Harry hesitates and looks back at them.
"So how are we going to London?"

"We fly of course."

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