Chapter 13

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Jessie immediately looks away and drinks her tea.

"Merlin I remember you two did have training for her last year didn't you???" She rolls her eyes and turns to the twins shockingly.

"Gosh I can't- it's just flying, Jess. What's so scary???" The twins remain silent and look at Jessie. Angelina clearly doesn't understand how is Jessie still scared of flying.

"You guys are too soft on her she won't make it if you don't force her to!" Angelina then looks back at Jessie, who is currently so scared of Angelina's tone that she doesn't even dare to look at her.

"Do you even want to improve, Jessie Kenwood? You're too comfortable with this which you can't! You know that's a survival skill!"

"Angelina it's not even like that..." Jessie tries to joke it off.

"...You can't even fly and you're gonna date a beater with no shame??
We won't let you do that."

Jessie and everyone else including Harry and George looks at her shockingly. Fred and Lee immediately grin so hard looking at George and Jessie. This is totally a reality show. Angelina thinks Jessie is not qualified to date George, a Quidditch player, due to the fact that she can't even fly.

"What on earth are YOU talking about? Whom am I dating?? Is there anyone gonna tell me this??" Jessie looks at Angelina angrily. Now this, has really triggered her anger.

She HATES it when people think she has stolen someone from his friends just because she likes to stay with them. This is totally the same feeling as that time with Cedric, but this time it's not even because of her identity.

"Besides I can take care of myself, don't you worry a second. I will definitely not give you trouble in situations where your amazing flying skills are required because I'm very happy to die in shame."

Having been confronted like that, she says her last line and leaves the hall after quickly staring at her. She is very sure that she won't stick with George ever again, so there will be no one saying things like her bugging him and most importantly, George should be losing interest in her.

"Don't think I'll ever forget that!" Angelina makes sure Jessie knows she won't forget about her flying.

"...Can I help you???" George looks at Angelina seriously. Making him feel embarrassed isn't the worst thing, it's even worse seeing Jessie being offended by his own friends randomly though he knows flying is a survival skill. He firmly doesn't want her to rush the flying with her fear deep-rooted in her heart. It's too much.

However he did not forget how Jessie was like just now, seeing her react that way after being called she's dating him. Why was she so angry? He's quite sure that Jessie likes him and she knows his feelings towards her but he has no idea why she keeps denying it. What is she being afraid of?

It's undeniable that he's quite disappointed by her reaction just now, but giving up is never one of his plans, for he knows she must have some concerns unsolved. She must be worrying about something and he sees no reason to be hopeless.

As expected, Jessie hasn't talked to the twins at all at any time before the match. She has been staying close with the trio without even glancing at George at all, she can't be more careful ever since Angelina has said those things to her this morning.

George can't be more frustrated with Angelina who has ruined everything. How is he going to confess afterwards? He breathes deeply just thinking about it.

"...Stop thinking about her, focus," Angelina says without looking at him when the match is about to start.
"It'd be your fault if they win."

"Thanks to YOU."
"She will thank me later."


"Don't be so mean, you monster- She'll get scared only."
"Oh well, she's definitely not flying because of you. You've got to push her!" She stares at him, firmly believing that Jessie can't fly because they were too soft on her.

"I didn't even know you'd change your tone so much for anyone-"
"Shut up-"
"If she's Alicia I'd bet 200 galleons that you're gonna push her into lava with no hesitation."

During the match, Jessie has been secretly looking at George. Though the team plays well, she knows he isn't playing focused at his best potential. She knows her words this morning has disappointed him and she's really guilty about it.

And how could Harry miss that?

He knows what she's feeling right now, there must be something she's worried about, or she won't say that to him. He analyzes her as he watches her looking at George.

"Jessie?" Hermione whispers to her.
"...Got something on your mind, right?" Hermione asks hesitantly. "...I can see it...the way you look at him."
"...You think I'm bugging him too-"
"Of course not!" She clarifies immediately.

"What are your concerns?"
"I's complicated."
"...Are you afraid of being in love?" Hermione carefully asks.

Jessie looks at Hermione.

"Umm...Can't say you're wrong."
"Just do what you want to do Jessie." She grabs her hands. "I think you can loosen yourself a bit this time. You guys have known each other long enough, isn't it? You like how he treats you too." She gradually smirks and pokes Jessie's waist.

"He hasn't said anything about it, please don't be so sure." George's feelings she sensed from him earlier can't be accurate, it is too subjective and contains no proof. However, she does want to be in love, cause it really feels extraordinarily great to her. She starts wondering about the feasibility of leaving her past behind to love fearlessly. Maybe it really isn't as complicated as she imagines.

"Most importantly, Cedric wouldn't mind."

Hermione's line has reminded Jessie of him. She can't deny that she's lost feelings for him, though the guilt is still here.

"What happened has happened. He wouldn't want to see you trapped by your past."

It hits Jessie like a thousand tonnes. Though she knows Hermione's referring to 'her past' of liking Cedric, she's also reminded of another meaning-

Her past of living in the dark.

"... Mm." She replies to Hermione with reservation. It does seem like she's right.

Gryffindor has soon defeated Slytherin. While almost everyone has left, there's a voice suddenly shouting from the Quidditch ground.

"Where do you think you're going?"

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