Chapter 1

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Earth-Prime, Central City, West-Allen's loft

After a rough fight against Ragdoll and the speedforce. Barry saw how the police took Joe somewhere where no one from the team Flash or his family knows, after walking back Cecile to her home, he decided to walk back to his loft too since it would be a waste of speedforce left.

When he arrived he saw a pretty pissed of Iris, as he closed the door he saw Iris not saying anything, she was just glaring at him.

"I just talked to David" Iris started, after a long tense silence.

"Is my dad really gone?"

"I really tried to calling you..." Barry answer

"That's your excuse?" she continued while Barry started to sit on a chair beside her

"My dad is in witness protection, you should have come to get me"

"Yeah Iris, there wasn't enough time..."

"You're the Flash Barry, you can make a second last an hour... Where is he?"

"I honestly don't know," he said playing with his hands

"When is he coming back?"

"The second that we catch Car-"

"Carver's pocket is lined with... with politicians and lawmakers Barry, not to mention assassins. It could be years before we catch him!" she interrupted

"Iris I'm so sorry... But Cecile was almost killed... And then Joe, he had to leave right away, or else Carver may come back after Jenna or you-"

"Carver already came after me!"

"And I wasn't here to protect you, lo-look I'm trying to keep this family safe..."

"I want you to take me to him right now" she commanded

Barry sighed "I already told you, I don't know where he's going"

"You don't need to Barry! The-They left what like 30 minutes ago? They're probably still within a 50-mile radius, with your speed you could search that entire area in seconds!"

"You know I can't... Not anymore"

"Can't?! Or Won't?!"

"It's not that simple-"

"Yes, it is Barry!"

"No, it isn't... Look, Iris, I'm barely hanging on, I can't catch my breath, I'm getting dizzy my feet are numb my fingers tingle" when he started saying this, his watch started to change the color from green to yellow

"It feels like, with every step I take I'm getting ripped in two, all I can think about is if I'll be fast enough tomorrow to save another life..."

"I trusted you Barry"

"Iris..." he sighed, he didn't know what to tell to her anymore

"Now we have something else in common... we both lost our parents. I hope that was worth it" They kept silent for a while, he didn't know what to do or say, then Iris started to walk to the door, and that's when the watch change to red

"Where are you going? Iri-" suddenly Iris opened the door

"I want you to leave"

"You can't be serious"

"Barry, you always do this, you always make all of these decisions, and then the rest of us have to deal with the fallout, Flashpoint, going into the Speed Force, taking Nora into the future, and now this? I'm done, Barry"

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