Chapter 4

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Earth-Prime, National City, Kara's Loft

Kara and Barry were looking at Alex who was now looking at them weirdly, neither of the heroes knows how to start the conversation, after five tense seconds Alex started

"What are you doing here Barry?" She asked

"It's a long story..." he said scratching his neck, making Alex even more curious

"Uh, okay, I wanted to talk with my little sister, but I guess I will do that later," she said about to go

"No! Wha-What's up Alex?" She said looking at Barry

"I wanted to talk with you about... Jeremiah" she said

"I'm sorry about Jeremiah Alex," Barry said and she nodded

"If you want I can go back to Central..."

"No! I mean sure if you want to or if you can't stay a little longer..." Kara said looking at him, and Alex knew that look her sister does, realizing the look she was going to talk to her little sister right now...

"I'll go back to Central  besides I'm going do something at STAR," he says

"Oh, okay..." Kara says sadly

"Okay, do you have your ring," Kara asked

"I always have my ring," he said showing his Flash ring, and Alex also didn't saw the other ring... making her even more curious

"Okay, Kara, can I talk to you for one second before Barry leaves?" She asked making her little sister tense and so the Scarlet Speedster

"Uh... Sure, what's up?" She said but she disinters sighed

"In private..."

"Oh... yeah sure, can you wait here Barry?" She said as his partner just nodded, then the Danvers sister walked to Kara's room

As they enter the room Kara was about to talk but her sister interrupted her

"What's up with you two?" she said making Kara look at her weirdly

"Wh-what are you talking about?" she said, as her cheeks started to get red as the suit of Barry

"Kara... I'm your sister, I know you, I know that look, the look you always had when Mon-El was with you," she started

"And why doesn't Barry have his ring?" she finished

"First, I don't have any look, and second, I don't know I didn't notice that..." she said trying to lie, but she has a big problem, and that is...


"Dammit!" she whispered

"Look Kara, I don't know what's happening, I just care about you and your decisions, I don't want you to get into problems,"

"But I'm not getting in any problems, and besides, I'm old enough to take care of myself..." She said

"Do you know where William is?" she randomly said

"Uh... William the a-hole that hit Barry?" she said making her sister laugh

"The guy you "had" a crush with, damn what happened with you and Barry last night, that made you forget about William..." she said laughing and that made Kara adjust her glasses more than five times, that's when Alex confirmed her thoughts

"Oh... My... God... You had a one night stand with Barry, I mean I thought something was weird between you two, I thought about many things, and that one was at the bottom of all of it, but the looks you made when we were with Barry and how you forgot about William made me confirm my theory" she said

"What?! No!" she said with a crinkle

"Kara... He is married,"

"Don't you think I know that?!" she said now sitting on her bed

"Now you're going to tell me what happened last night?" she said sitting beside her

"I don't know if I can tell you Barry's part, but we had a lot Aldebberan Rum for the night, so one thing led to another and... we had what you had when they got married... Rao everyone is going to kill me..."

"Does the problem Barry had, include the... ring?"

"Yes, today both of us were confused... but we wanted to be together... I think I had these emotions for Barry before, but I just wanted them away... since we were superfriends and he had Iris..." she answered

"Look, I don't know what's going to happen with this, but remember... I'm always going to be by your side... no matter what, just think about this alright?"

"I have been thinking about this since I saw Barry on my bed..."

"Okay, now go, Barry is waiting for you," she said as Kara immediately change to some normal clothes since she needs to go to CatCo

Finally, the Danvers sisters left the room to watch an already changed Barry playing with some things in the kitchen.

"Hey," she said smiling

"Hey," he said looking at her

"Can you run, or you want me to take you?" she said

"What?" Alex asked

"A few days ago I lost my connection with the speedforce... And now I have a limited amount of speedforce to be the Flash," he said looking at Alex

"I'm sorry Barry," he said

"It's fine, my team and I are looking for some artificial speedforce so I can go back and have the speed I used to have..."

"Well, let's go, so you can finish that speedforce and get your speed back,"

Central City, STAR Labs

After a second Kara and Barry were outside STAR Labs, putting him down Barry thanks Kara

"So... do I see you later?" She asks

"We need to tell Iris, so I think yeah, if you want to of course," he says scratching his neck

"Of course I want to, it going to be hard... but is going to be worth it if I'm with you," she says grabbing Barry's hands

"I'll guess I'll see you later... Girl of Steel," he says leaning to kiss her

"I'll see you later... Scarlet Speedster," she says now leaning, as they were going to kiss someone yells

"Yo! Barry! What's up, man?!" They immediately pulled away

"Oh hey, Cisco!" He says scratching his neck while Kara fixes her glasses

"Kara! How are you?" He says

"I'm fine thank you Cisco, I have to go guys I need to go to CatCo, I'll see you later," she says

"Bye Kara," Barry says before she leaves

"Bye Barry," she says smiling, then flying away

"What's up with you two?" Cisco asks

"Nothing..." he says looking to the skies

"Well, let's get back to work... we need to finish the speedforce so you can continue to fight crime without a problem," he says patting his back and taking him inside STAR Labs

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