Chapter 32

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Central City, Outside McCulloch Tech

"Cecile, Joe, Allegra. Ralph and Sue are in some big trouble!" she said, looking at them.

"Can you enter and help?" Allegra asks.

"I need my Anti-Kryptonite suit," she said watching something glow on Eva's gun. "I'll send it to you, and I'll try to talk with the ones at STAR. Now go!" Allegra said. Not thinking twice she entered from the rooftop while hearing the suit flying, getting near her.

Central City, Inside McCulloch Tech

Inside the security's office Eva, Dr. Light, Sunshine, and Esperanza were aiming at Sue and knocked out Ralph who was on the floor. "Did you think you could enter my building, taking the data from my tech and showing that I killed my husband for the greater good?" Eva said, aiming at Sue.

"You killed your husband, he made the life of my parents impossible, I was glad you took that human life instead of me. But framing me for taking his life was not fair. You wanted to make my life impossible just like your husband was with my parents, when I saw on the news that you framed me I saw why you were meant for the other," she said. Eva when she heard that made her blood boil.

"I'm nothing like Carver!" she yelled.

"Dónde está mi prima y su equipo?" Esperanza asked, trying to calm her boss thanks to Sue.

"No lo sé, él quiso ayudar y mostrar mi inocencia debido a que tu jefa me culpo de algo que no hice," Sue answered her. Eva understands what she was saying, she laughs. "We don't think he only tried to help you, I know Kara and Barry tried to help, I mean I saw them a few minutes before you had arrived," she said.

"You're right," They all heard from the back.

"Supergirl..." Eva said, looking at Kara who was using her Anti-Kryptonite suit.

"I see your friend was lying about you helping,"

"She's innocent, I want to show her innocence, not like yours," she said prepared to fight.

"I see you were ready for my Kryptonite, but what you didn't know is that I made some upgrades to them!" she yelled, starting to shoot at her.

"Sue take Ralph and leave! I'll take care of them!" Supergirl says while dodging the shots.

"What about you?" she asks kneeling beside Ralph. "You need to get that USB out before they break it or erase it! I'll take care of them!" she yells, hitting Sunshine. And shots some hits of Dr. Light.

"Fine," she yells and slaps Ralph so he wakes up. "Wake up sleeping beauty, we need to get out of here!" After the third slap, he wakes up. "Ow! That hurt!" he said caressing his cheek.

"It's going to hurt more the shots from them, if we don't get the hell out of here!" Sue said, before Ralph could answer Esperanza hits her. "Sue!" he yelled standing up.

"Give me that USB!" she yells

"Never!" Sue says fighting back. There was chaos inside the security, they took the fight outside thanks to Eva and Sunshine hitting Kara and sending her outside the place. Sue was losing the fight against Esperanza but everything changed when Ralph separated them and sent her to Dr. Light, hitting her and getting some time for Kara.

"We need to go, I have the USB that's the only thing that matters to them, so we're out of here and we're sending Cecile and Allegra the video and photos of it so they can show my innocence," she says.

"And who's going to take us out of here? Since Kara is fighting Eva and her goons?" Ralph asks, running to the stairs.

"We'll find a way," she says, opening the door of the stairs.

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