Chapter 3

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National City, Kara's Loft

After a few minutes, the heroes finally arrived at Kara's loft

"Are you sure you're okay?" She asked

"Yeah, I'm sure," He said with a smile

"Fine..." she said now smiling thanks to Barry

"Great! Now if you're not preoccupied anymore, look," he said showing some drinks from earlier

"You brought more?" She asked

"Yeah, I wanted you to have a little bit more of fun since you help me have fun," he said

"I don't know, maybe another day, we already drank a lot," she said

"Are you chicken?" He said playing with her and Kara look at him

"Give me that bottle," she said and Barry started to smile even more

After an hour or two Barry was about to go back to Central City.

"Thank you for ev-everything" he started to slur his words

"Don't worrrrry I reeaally had some much fun tonight"

"You know... after we finished talking about our problems I never thought about Iris for once..." he said realizing about that

"Yeah... and I didn't think about Wiliam, well, after the little problem we had,"

"He-hey, how about y-ou stay for the n-night?" she said

"A-are you sure?"

"Ye-yeah! Besides... it's pretty late..."

"Tha-nks, Kara, I will go to the couch," he said starting to walk but Kara grab his hand

"Yo-you know I-I think it's... I don't know I mean is stupid..."



"Kara you can count on me always..."

Kara starred into Barry's eyes and Barry did the same, after a few seconds of looking at each other Kara finally said: "Oh fuck it..." Suddenly Kara passionately kissed Barry, she didn't know if it was her or it was the effects of the Aldebbran Rum but it felt really good, it felt meant to be... but then she noticed she was making a big mistake, right now Barry is cheating on Iris with her, how would someone trust her if she kisses someone's husband? She pulled away knowing it was a really big mistake, but she was amazed and didn't expect what Barry did next. He took her head and brought his lips on hers once again, she was about to move away but something made her continue. They continue to kiss each other until they finally move to her bed. She thanked Rao Alex or someone else who wasn't there...


Eva McCulloch was looking at Barry Allen and Kara Danvers thanks to a mirror near Kara's bed, and that made the mirror master at first be surprised, but then she started to smile.

"I didn't do anything, to make that happen, those "heroes" made that, and now Iris needs to see this... Maybe I accidentally push something so this mirror can open," she said while Iris was in another place thinking about Barry

Eva closed that mirror, then she moves something and it "accidentally" broke it, and Iris ran to check everything when she arrived at where Eva was, her evil grin changed to an innocent face

"Oh, I'm sorry to bother you, I was just..."

"Hey, don't worry, I will help you," that made Eva "smile" then as she stands up, she opens the mirror of Kara

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