Chapter 28

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Disclaimer: The names of the Guards were created by me. I don't know if those names really exist in the series.

Central City, Central Citizen Office

Arriving once again with the team, Kara and Allegra entered with pictures and with the new ideas they had.

"Hey guys," Allegra said, opening the door.

"We need to finish this, this week," Cecile said, not letting another word come from the girls.

"What why?" Kara asked

"I heard from some of my officers were talking about some terrorist are searching for Sue, because the name "Black Hole" put money on her head, and the price is... really high," Joe said

"We need to tell the team about this problem. Cecile, Joe, what did you find about the people that are going to "help?" Kara asked

"Yeah, their names are Carter Jefferson thirty-five years old. And the woman's name is... Ann, Ann Flores, they're on their honeymoon at Blüdhavean, huh... a weird place for having a honeymoon. Back to the main problem, they were ex-militaries and ex-argus soldiers," Cecile said

"Okay, the disguises, do you have them?" Kara asked

"They're starting to do the disguise of Sue, and we don't need a disguise for Ralph, for him we just need the costume. Since he... you know, he can transform into the guard," Cecile said watching the computer

"The problem is, we're going to need some I.D cards so we can enter that place without a problem,"

"Can Cisco make something that can do the same thing the I.D of these soldiers have?" Kara asked

"I asked, he told me he is going to need an exact I.D to create the copy of it,"

"The question is, how? They know who we are," Allegra asked, that's when Kara started to think. "I think I have an idea..."

"What is it?" Joe said.

"Remember the guy who told the team Citizen about what was happening inside that place?"

"I don't remember his name, but yeah. Dr. Light killed him," Allegra said remembering that day.

"I have some info about him, and one of the things I got was his address. Do... Do you think we can go and visit his wife and search for his I.D?" Kara said a little insecure about the plan.

"We can search the place, let's hope the wife is still there, or else we might have a big problem," Joe said.

"Okay, let me search for the address, Allegra is coming with me. I'll tell you guys if we have any update,"

"Yeah, good luck," Joe said before they close the door.

Central City, STAR Labs, Speed Lab

"I have done my masterpiece!" Cisco yelled throwing his pencil to the ground

"You mean our masterpiece right?" Barry asked to bring some coffee from CCJitters.

"Let's say it's my masterpiece for a moment," Cisco said, grabbing his coffee and taking some sips of it.

"Do you know when Frost might come?" Cisco asked

"I don't know, let's hope she's ready by the time we start doing our plans," Barry said.

"Okay, now that we have everything for the Artificial Speed Force, let's check if the three nerdies need our help," Cisco said walking to the cortex

"Nerdies?" Barry asked following him

"I know I don't have the right to say that, but I wanted to say that. And, we don't have some of the materials for the machine, so we might need some things from Mercury," Cisco said leaving the place.

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