Chapter 27

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Earth-Prime, Central City, Central Citizen Office

"We need to find the videos," Ralph said. after long hours of discussing how they can show Sue her innocence.

"Yeah, the problem is, does Eva have the film about her killing his friend. And second, how are we going to be able to enter that place with Sunshine, Dr. Light, and Esperanza?" Allegra asked with her arms crossed.

"I may have an idea..." Sue said looking at her disguise. Everyone started to understand what she meant by that.

"If we want to enter in a disguise to that place... We need to find the right people so we can enter," Kara said.

"Let's research the people we can be so we can enter," Joe said.

"But besides Sue... who else is gonna go there?" Allegra asked

"I'll go," Ralph said.

"Fine, let's settle this. Joe, Cecile, research about all the people inside McCulloch tech. Sue, Ralph, go and start preparing the disguises. And Allegra, you and I are going to go to McCulloch tech and try to find a way to get out if something goes wrong, " Kara started. Then Kara's phone started to ring.

"Start with this, I'll go and answer this," Kara finished walking away from the place.

"Hello?" she started.

"Hi, Kara," she heard Barry from the other place.

"Hey, baby... what's up?" she said

"I'm fine, we might have a great idea to get the Artificial Speed Force prepared, we just need some time to start and create the blueprints," Barry said.

"That's great! And how's the team of Nash, Lena, and Brainy?" She asked

"I just checked a bit, but they are doing fine, I saw that with the three brains they have plus the millions Nash has... I think they might finish this tomorrow. And how about you? But first one question, since we're talking about the last name Luthor... anything about Lex?" He said

"I told Alex and J'onn that if they found anything they talked to me... and of course to you, so we can go and check. I also told Nia to patrol the city for a while. And Brainy told me he is going to work on the machine so we can get the team out, and when he's finished he will do something so the fake Gods stay on that tube forever," She said walking to the cafeteria and preparing some coffee.

"I guess it's fair, but remember if there's a problem with the bald bad we're going to go to National," he said. Kara started to laugh.

"Bald bad?" she asked

"Well... yeah, I mean, he's bald, and he's bad. Look I leave the ridiculous nicknames to Cisco,"  he said, and Kara know Barry so well she's thinking he's scratching the back of his neck

"I love the nickname," she said in a soft tone.

"No, no you don't. You love it because I'm your boyfriend," he said accepting the truth.

"Fifty percent I love it and the other fifty is because you're my boyfriend," she said now drinking some of the coffee.

"Now can you answer me the other question about how you guys are going?" Barry said.

"Oh, yeah. It's going pretty well. At first, it was not going anywhere, but then we thought about the cameras Carver had," Kara continued talking about the plan they had.

"That's actually a great idea! You're really intelligent!" He said, not knowing she made the Girl of Steel blush.

"Thanks, but I wasn't the one who had all the ideas," she said

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