Chapter 33

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Earth-Prime, Central City, STAR Labs, Speed Lab (Moments Before Barry Disappearing)

"That's a problem..." Cisco said. While they were trying to stop the machine, Barry was yelling all the time thanks to the lighting striking him more than twice. 'You did it,' it was the only thing he could hear.

"Wh-what? Wh-who's there," he asked, while everyone back there was trying to stop the explosion.

'You feel that? That's more than just your speed running through your veins. That's Wally, Wallace, Jay, Bart, Max, Jesse, Avery, August, Don, Dawn's between more speedsters speed...' The voice continued. (AN: If you know every speedster from the once the Speed Force said... You're awesome)

"Spe-Speed Force?" he asked, avoiding the question of how many more speedsters they are since the crisis happened.

'I was before, now I'm your guardian angel... I'm the one that's going to guide you to this path,' the voice said

"Ho-how?" he asked now barely feeling pain thanks to talking with the Speed Force.

'Starting with this,' Then a blinding light hit him in the eyes, making him close his eyes not watching where the Speed Force was taking him

Speed Force

Opening his eyes he was surprised at where he was since this place was dead, it wasn't like the first time he saw it, since it looked mostly dead and barely hanging on.

"How are we in the Speed Force? I watched you die," Barry said, but no one was there to tell him anything.

'As I said before Barry, I'm dead that's why this place doesn't look like it used to be. But now it's your turn to feel the gap and create something better inside it. Now you're the one that's going to take care of the Speed Force,' she heard the voice.

'You know why the lighting chose you?' She asked after Barry wasn't saying anything.

'Because you were the lighting... you were the chosen one.' She finished, making Barry confused.

"I was the lighting?" He asks

'We can't say a lot about it, but soon you'll understand that,' she says.

"But... If I take care of the Speed Force... Does that mean I'm not going to be able to take care of Central City? Or to be finally with Kara?" He asks.

'You're going to find that out soon, but first, you need to focus on recreating the Speed Force. So you're able to do anything next about Central City or Ms. Danvers,' she says. He nods and starts his training to the new Speed Force...

Some years in the Speed Force passed and Barry was slowly learning and understanding everything that could help him be one with his now Speed Force. But that was thanks to the Speed Force and to every memory he had from being The Flash. From visiting Oliver and telling him about his powers because no one believed in him, to fighting Bloodwork before the crisis started hours later. It also helped how Speed Force was showing him some new things he didn't even know were true, of course, she didn't tell everything since he needs to understand everything, he was trying so hard to be ready to get out of there and help her girlfriend. He was even more focused thanks to the thoughts of seeing Kara.

'Now that you're understanding, instead of just feeling your Speed Force... Try to feel inside you the Speed Force of every speedster, and show them that their engine is back and it's going to stay... Forever. Even after you passed away, this is for the present, the past, and future generation of speedsters, you're going to guide them, each and everyone...' She starts while the new guide for the speedsters has his eyes closed doing everything the Speed Force is saying, not knowing that almost everything in the background started to work perfectly.

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