Chapter 34

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Earth-Prime, Outskirts of Central City

"Kara..." Barry said looking at her girlfriend who had her eyes closed on the floor. Walking beside her he sits and puts her head on his hands.

"Kara, please wake up... It's me Barry, your superfriend... the speedster who fell in love with you," he says opening the helmet of the suit

"I want you to wake up, so I can tell how much I love you... how our future is going to be..." he says slightly crying, not accepting the faith Kara just had.

He just stood there for a while trying to calm down, the problem is no one can get calmed when his/her love has just died.

"I love you too," he quietly heard. Removing his tears he starts to see everywhere, sees if no one was there (besides the knocked out Lex). Not seeing a single human he looks at Kara.

"What?" he asks.

"Tha... that I love you too," Kara says in a quiet tone. Having tears but this time of happiness and relief he first kisses her to then hug her

"You... you're alive!" he says.

"Right now I will not be if it wasn't for my Superboyfriend and his new speed. Which is so fast and cool," she says trying to calm him from the problems they had before. That makes him chuckle

"Even if you're severely hurt, you joke," he says, caressing her cheek, glad that to Rao that she's alive.

"What can I say? I got that from the best," she answers, teasing him the two of them smiled.

"You really meant that?" she asks after some silence

"If I meant that I love you? Of course, I love you Kara Danvers and I will always will, I just... didn't dare to say it,"

"What a coincidence...I didn't have the courage too... I was too scared, for you to think that we were going fast or that you wouldn't feel the same,"

"Why would I don't feel the same? I was so stupid that I thought you wouldn't love me too so I guess we're even... Kara, I love you since the day I caught you from Cat Co. I loved you then and I love you now," The two f them shared another kiss, this one even more passionately than the other one. After some seconds they part away.

"Let's go, I'll take you to STAR labs with Luthor so I can go and help Brainy," he says, shaking her head, she answers. "No, we're still missing Eva, I'll stop until the two of them are behind bars, right now we have one, we're missing the other one,"

"Kara, right now you can't, you almost died seconds ago, I'll not accept that," he says. knowing that was true she sighs. "I want to help,"

"Right now you'll help if you rest, so we can get Eva and the goons,"

"Take me to the Superfriends base, there might be something that's going to be able to help me," trying not to argue since they had to finish a fight. Before going to National he ties Lex to some handcuffs and takes him to STAR Labs pipeline. Arriving he doesn't wait for a second to take her there.

National City, Superfriends Base

Arriving, she looks at him surprised, since she saw his boyfriend being even faster than he was before the Speed Force was even dead.

"Wow... Barry that was fast, faster than even before," she says, still amazed.

"I know, I'll tell you everything after we defeat them, I have to go, Cisco told me about the coordinates so I know where to go don't worry,"

"I'll always worry about you. But okay, go... I love you," she finishes smiling, making him smile. "I love you too," he says kissing her and leaving. After he left she sighs because she wanted to help her boyfriend.

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