Chapter 20

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Earth-Prime, National City, Unknown Place

Eve Tessmacher was about to shoot William another time when Kara arrived and blocked the bullet, then she grabbed Eva's arm and threw the gun away. Where Lena appears and grabs the gun and walks to Eve and aims at her. Kara walks to William and starts to break the handcuffs.

"It's okay. I've got you." Breaking William's shirt she sees uses her x-ray vision to see where the bullet is.

"Okay. The bullet went through and through but we still need you to get to the hospital." She was going to grab him but Lena stopped her. "No, no, no, he's losing too much blood. There's no time." Kara thought about another thing and said

"Okay. I can cauterize it but it's gonna hurt." Painfully William nodded "Do it, do it." Before using her heat vision she nodded "Okay." She uses her heat vision, William just yells in pain. "Don't do it!" She stops and says "Too late, too late. It's done. You okay?"

"Yes, it just hurt." He barely said, preoccupied about William thanks to his wound, she asked "All right, what happened here?" William still grabbing his shoulder, panting he answers "I was following a lead. Got jumped. Ah, reporting 101. If you get kidnapped, you must be on the right track. Something Kara Danvers likes to say." Kara was glad he was fine, but she was impressed he hears and understands her like a reporter.

"She was working the case with me, I need to make sure she is alright, I know she's still mad with me, but I am preoccupied about her." William continues, then she tries to stand up

"Kara is fine. I spoke to her, she's in a safe place with Barry." Lena said, still aiming at Eve, Kara was glad she didn't have to tell William another thing. Then there was a loud crack, then lightning and a mini-tornado appeared from another place of the building. Thanks to that concrete break and flies hitting Eve. And when the lighting and tornado stopped, three villains appear, Kara starts to walk where they are. Prepared to fight she says to Lena "Get William and Eve out of here. I'll deal with this."

"Are you mad? They've got Kryptonite." Lena said

"Well, then you'd better get that suit here fast," Kara added

"Don't worry, it will." She said using the phone to start it

"And I'll get back up." She said walking near them, as she does that her veins were starting to get green thanks to the Kryptonite.


Barry saw how the suit started to fly and go to the place where Kara and Lena are, At that moment he knew it's his time to go and help her girlfriend. Barry knew it was time to go and help Kara, opening the breach he entered using his speed to go and save Kara no matter how much speed he has left.

Back at the Unknown Place...

"Kill her." Rama Khan said, one of the villains shoots her, but a breach appears from where Lena first appeared, and in a Flash, Kara was behind something so she can cover herself.

"What are you doing here?" Kara asks

"I was expecting a thank you," Barry said beside her

"Thank you," She said, pecking her lips onto his.

"Know what are you doing here I told-" she was going to say but Barry stopped her

"We can argue about why I saved your life later, right now we need to distract them so you can kick their asses," Barry said, watching another villain about to hit them, he grabs her bridal style and speeds to another place, but the hit caught him, both of them fall, but he protects her. Both of them fall to the ground

"Barry..." she says looking at him, when the suit starts to get down, she smiles. Standing up she looks at the villains.

"Don't you ever touch him or hit him again." Barry stands up looking at Kara with that suit and he smiles.

"That suit is really nice. Every suit you use is really pretty," he says

"Right now it's not the moment. But thank you, so do you," she says, then M'gann and Dreamer arrived

"Did someone call for backup?" M'gann asked, Flash and Supergirl walk beside the other heroes

"Now it's a fair fight."

"Couldn't let the love birds have all the fun," M'gann said

"I wasn't going to have fun, because she didn't want to," Barry said

"All I wanted was for you to save enough speed," she said

"I know, but I care about you," he said

"Okay, you two need to stop that. We're in the middle of a fight." Nia said, they chuckled about that and slightly blush, Kara thanked Rao they couldn't see behind the mask. Supergirl and Flash look at each other.

"It's time to fuse our powers just like Hartley," Barry said

"You take the words right out of my mouth." Barry goes outside the place and comes back while Kara runs to the place where the villains, at the same time, Kara claps, and Barry throws a lightning, making a big explosion. Everyone who was in the place went back.

M'gann was checking Dreamer since she was having another dream, Barry and Kara, stood up and they saw three piles of dust. Surprised Kara and Barry look at the other

"They're..." Kara starts

"They're gone." Nia looks and starts to smile.

"The explosion killed them." But sadly the lighting returned making the three villains come back to life. Kara preoccupied to look at Barry, the two nodded and said to the girls

"We need to get out of here. Now." Supergirl grabs Barry and flies back to Luthor-Corp, while M'gann takes Nia.

National City, Luthor-Corp

Back at Luthor-Corp, Kara, Barry, and M'gann were talking about what they saw back at the place where they saved Eve and William. Now it was Nia's turn to tell what she saw at that moment.

"That's when their bodies started to reform like out of horror movies." Alex thinking about it she said, "That means..." Kelly interrupted her. "They're indestructible." M'gann added "Immortal." Kara was just now thinking about why she's now fighting those bad guys, for the citizen's of National City, her family, Alex... Barry.

"This isn't about defeating them anymore. They want us to fight until we drop. So they can distract us from whatever Lex is planning."

"Do we even know what that is?" Lena asked looking at Kara 

"I'm going to find out," Kara said walking to the med bay, Barry walked behind her

"We're," Barry said, Kara stopped and look at him

"Thank you," she said hugging him

"Don't worry, I'll always be with you," he said hugging back

"Now come, we need to talk with Eve so we can get some answers." she now grabs his hand and takes him to the med bay.

Luthor-Corp, Med Bay

"Eve? Eve, can you hear me?" Kara said looking at Eve who was waking up, looking at Supergirl she preoccupied asks

"Is the reporter okay?" Barry nodded

"Yes, he told us everything."

"Please understand... I was just trying to protect my mom. Now Lex is gonna kill her." Eve said looking at the heroes with tears in her eyes.

"I know you must feel like there is no way out. But it is when things feel their most hopeless that we have to dig down deep to do what is right. Otherwise, the bad guys win." Kara said

"Help us, fight. And we promise we will do everything in our power to keep you and your mom safe." He said, grabbing Kara's hand. Hesitated Eve sighs and finally accepts.

"Gemma Cooper is not who she says she is. Her real name is Gamemnae. She is a member of Leviathan, just like Rama Khan. Tonight they're planning to attack the Unity Festival. Once all four million subscribers are inside... Gemma will kill them all," Eve said, making the two heroes surprised and preoccupied about what she said.

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