Chapter 5

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National City, CatCo.

At CatCo, after Andrea Rojas made a talk about celebrating Lex, Kara frustrated seeing everyone celebrating a villain. She then went to her desk and sighed, she started to remember all of her problems... Leviathan, Lex, the death of Jeremiah, Lena... Barry, she was thinking about everything she has done wrong while seeing a picture of Barry and her hugging each other, that picture now it feels different seeing it, she feels even happier. Then someone said her name

"Kara..." looking now to the woman who said her name she saw Lena, she hides the picture of Barry and her, and Lena continued to talk

"I heard about Jeremiah... I came to offer some sympathies," she didn't talk so Lena continued with a chuckle

"Offer my sympathies" God, I sound like an android," she said and finally Kara said

"No. You sound like someone afraid to confront the woman who called you a villain," Lena continued

"My mother died when I was so young... And I know that doesn't compare to the losses that you suffered, but... I know it doesn't get any easier. I'm sorry," both women try not to let some tears fall, they missed the other

"Thank you for saying that, that means a lot coming from you," Kara said adjusting her glasses, then Lena grabbed something from her bag, and handed it to her

"This helped me a lot with memories of my mother and other family difficulties," she said the last part with a little chuckle

"If it helps Luthor family difficulties, I'm sure it will help me a lot," she said smiling at her, neither of them talked for seconds

"Thank you," Kara said breaking the tense, and Lena left not saying another word, while Lex Luthor was watching everything from another side of the office...

Hours Later...

"Hey, Kara,"

"Hi Barry, everything is okay on Central?" she asks

"It's fine, just they are looking at me weirdly sometimes" that's when he didn't hear anything from the other side, preoccupied he said

"Are you okay Kara?"

"Yeah, just I'm still worried, and scared I mean, everyone is going to kill me..."

"Hey, don't worry, if they try to kill you I will put my body first, it's our decision, and I decide to be with you, okay?" he said making Kara smile

"Thanks, Barr," she said

"And how are the things back there?" he said

"You know, trying to avoid William, Alex and Kelly are at my house, and Lena gave me a book to read so I can remember some of the things I made with Jeremiah," she says and Barry surprised asks

"Lena talked to you?"

"Yeah! I'm glad she did, I'm just pretty pissed about Lex, and how is he manipulating her, the problem is I don't know how..."

"Don't worry, we're going to find out," he says,

"We?" she asks trying not to sound excited

"Yes, we," he says

"Look, I'm going to STAR Labs to check how the guys are doing with the artificial speedforce, and when I know what we can do for the moment, I'll be at your house and help you, deal?"




Kara after closing her phone goes with Alex and Kelly, and reads once again the book, Kelly doesn't know about her and Barry having a one night stand so she asks

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