Chapter 31

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Earth Prime, Central City, McCulloch Tech

Sue and Ralph entered as the couple. "Follow my lead," Sue said. Entering the place Sue and Ralph. Confused the guard look at the "couple"

"Ann? Carter? What are you guys doing here? I thought you guys were on your honeymoon in Blüdhavean," the guard said. Acting Sue started.

"Ugh, a stupid vigilante tried to "help" Blüdhavean, but instead when he was fighting some villains he destroyed the hotel we were staying, so we had to come back,"

"And we were bored in our house so we decided to check what was going on here. Right honey?" Ralph added. Sue nodded at what Ralph said.

"Well, you have missed a lot of things. Can you guys give me your I.D card?" the guard said

"Yeah, we heard on the radio that Eva McCulloch is back and that Mr. Carver is dead," Sue said, giving their I.D.s.

"Sadly the girl outside is still out there, so you guys take care," the guard said, handing back the cards after checking everything.

"We'll do, you need to take care too," Ralph said, grabbing his I.D. from Sue.

"Of course! See you soon!" he yelled.

"We made it," the heroes said.

"Okay, remember you have two hours until the I.D stops working, so you better hurry up," Kara said flying in the skies trying to watch everything.

"Also, remember we don't know where Esperanza, Dr. Light, and Sunshine might be, so be prepared for an attack," Allegra said in the office with Cecile. Finally, the two of them arrived at the elevator, pushing the button they waited for it to open.

"Oh, hey Mr. Jefferson and Mrs. Flores!" they heard from behind their backs. Looking back they saw Eva who had a wide smile. Tensed up they just answered

"H-hey, Mrs. McCulloch," they said

"I didn't know you guys were coming, I th-" Eva was saying when the elevator door opened.

"Guess, we have to enter before the doors close one more time," Sue said, the three of them entered.

"Where are you guys going?" she asked, pushing the button she was going to go.

"To the security, we wanted to make sure everything was as we left," Ralph joked.

"Oh, no, this is a problem," Kara said, looking at the three of them at the elevator.

Central City, STAR Labs, Seed Lab

"I think we're ready to start the machine," Cisco said, finishing typing on the computer. The three of the scientists went to the speed lab and checked what was gonna happen with the speedster. Barry appeared with his suit, his face was a focused one. This might be the last chance they're going to have so he can get his speed back. Taking a deep breath he looked at the machine one more time before looking at the team. "Let's do this," Barry said.

"Once the machine is ready there's no turning back," Brainy said, to which the speedster simply nodded.

"Good luck," Nash said, hugging him.

"May the Speed Force be with you," Cisco said before giving one of the strongest hugs he has ever made. "Thanks, man," he replied, accepting the hug. Then he went besides Lena.

"Please, come back. Kara's going to need you and she knows that you need her too," she said

"I'll do my best if I don't come back... Tell her that she doesn't need to worry, she just needs to finish the mission. And... and tell her that I... that I love her," Barry said making Lena smile. "You have finally said it," she said.

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